chapter 10 "On the run"

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He was clearly less composed than what he had been when I first arrived here. 

The only thing I could think of to explain it was he was obsessed with me and this stupid mate bond was driving him crazy, absolute animal, it was horrifying.

"Do not test my patients in front of my pack, you've caused enough trouble" he said with a commanding voice.

I felt my heart wanting to jump out of my throat with the amount of anxiety that was coursing through my veins, it felt searing hot causing my body to heat up.

I felt sick, everyone's eyes were on me, I was trembling like I was about to fall apart. 

I felt weak, the powerful mysterious ghost was scared of being in public.

This was humiliating.

He seemed to notice some of my anxiety and his eyes softened for just a moment before he let out a deafening loud snarl to his pack wolves. 

He seemed to communicate with them as his eyes glossed over for a moment, definitely using another weird mind trick.

The crowd seemed to slowly step away keeping their heads low, only occasionally daring to steal a glance up at me, maybe to make sure I wasn't running away, or maybe out of curiosity.

The only eyes that never left mine were Damien's piercing green eyes, they had me locked in a trance once again.

The sound of a loud engine revving and racing towards us caught my attention but I couldn't look away until the culprit, a deep black and familiar jeep, came crashing through the crowd, blocking my view to Damien. 

The car spun around and drifted, knocking the crowd over shocking everyone.

The window was open and I have never been so happy to see Andrew in my life, he had found me! Oh thank my lucky stars! 

"GET IN!" was all he shouted as he spun the wheels ready to take off, and that was all the prompting I needed, sprinting to the end of the trailer and leaping off feet first through an open window. 

It wasn't a graceful landing but at least I was in the protection of this jeep now 

Much better than being out in the open.

"NO!" Was all I heard Damien yell as the jeep sped off, never had I been so glad that Robin had modified this thing to be a speedy tank. 

Because it didn't take long for the wolves to come sprinting after us.

Their snarls and growls rang through the air, even over the roar of the engine, their massive forms chasing after us, snapping their jaws at the car, trying to get ahold of it. 

Their wolves were massive, bigger than normal wolves, at least twice the size, their eyes fierce colours blazing against their fur. 

My heart was pounding in my chest so loud and fast I thought it would explode.

Andrew wasted no time in speeding down different streets, drifting and swerving like a mad man, he was an incredible driver, he had an instinct for this kind of thing. 

Honestly I'd never met anyone with such a skill, but I was glad he was one of my closest friends.

"I knew you shouldn't have come! I just knew it but did you listen to me? noooooo did you listen to Rose? Nooooooo did you listen to Robin? The smartest person in our group? NOOOOOO!" he yelled at me while swinging us around. 

"Less lecturing more escape driving!" I yelled back gripping the seat trying to put a seatbelt on so I didn't get thrown around.

"I follow you Ash I do, I trust you but sometimes you're crazy! Oh we should have listened to Robin! Why am I being the voice of reason?! you're the leader!" 

The Alphas rebellious Mate.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin