25k QnA Answers:

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Hey all.

Answer time. :)


Jobro89 asks: Legs, real talk, do you love Asa? I'm rooting for you man!

Legs is staring at the TV, resting his head on his palm as Asa's face flashes across the screen once again.


He sighs.


They add: Power, what kind of things have you taught Nayuta?

Power: Many things! How to do a backflip, juggle knives, most efficiently drain a human of all their blood, and claim what is rightfully hers!

Legs: I'm never going to forgive you for the last one.


They add: To Reze, I hope you and Denji are doing well! In the Soviet Union, did the military ever send you to Afghanistan during the 80s?

Reze: I wasn't sent on missions until the early 90s. Any time before consisted of... Training...




Reze: Anyway, thanks for asking!


They add: To the cast, who would win in a fight? Jean Claude Van-Damme or Steven Segal?

Reze: Who?

Denji: Aren't those guys from those action movies Nayuta and Legs watches every night?

(Y/N): From what I remember, Van Damme had more impressive martial arts...

Legs: Van-Damnme takes it.

Nayuta: Mhm.


adoozie asks: (Y/N), yandere Makime? Asking for a friend.

(Y/N): ...What about a yandere Makima? If you're asking what I think you're asking, then no thanks...


DamianUchikai asks: (Y/N), what do you think you would have been like and what would you have done if Power had died?

(Y/N): ...


(Y/N): How many people live in Japan?


They add: Legs, if you had to go against an angry (Y/N), do you think you would survive the battle.

Legs: Matching me and (Y/N) against eachother is tricky. On one hand, (Y/N) theoretically should have more potential than me. But because I train, I'm a lot stronger than him. If he were to ever actually train, or if something were to piss him off enough, then he might be able to match me purely power-wise, and maybe even go beyond that.


Legs: Regardless of that, I'd still kill him.


They add: Yoru and Fami, what do you think of Consumption?

Yoru: Consumption is formidable. He is a being of nigh insurmountable power who lives off the exhiliration of battle. His bloodlust is a bottomless maw, keen on swallowing up all that stands in his way, chewing them up, and spitting them out to do it all again. Excluding the Primal Fears, Chainsaw Man was the only one that could stand to face him for more than a moment. I admire his strength, even though he has never bothered to pay me a second glance in his ever-lasting battle. His neverending crusade of carnage is what I wish for the rest of this world, a permanent, infinite loop of violence, death and war.

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