Part 1: Asa Mitaka

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The class was silent, all students had their gazes locked on the front desk. On this desk, sat what appeared to be a large, headless chicken carcass with a bowtie.

"Starting today, we'll be keeping a class pet: the Chicken Devil!" The male teacher announced. "Go ahead, introduce yourself!" The teacher said, turning to the small, harmless-looking devil. Immediately, it hopped onto its tiny legs, waving its wing in a friendly greeting.

"My name's Bucky! I'm Eggcited to befriend you all!" 'Bucky' chirped, or clucked, I suppose.

"Three months from now, you kids are going to kill and eat Bucky!" The teacher declared. "You see, I want you to understand how important life is!"


"Buh...buck-buck...?" Bucky bucked.

"What the cluck!?"


"Is it really safe to touch a devil...?"

"Nobody's afraid of chickens, must be a weak one."

The students that got over the initial paranoia crowded around Bucky, poking, prodding, and petting the small devil as it lamented over its sudden death sentence.

"But I don't wanna get eaten..." Bucky murmured. "If you eat me, I'll die..." Bucky clucked.

"Awww! It's so pitiful, it's cute...!" A girl said.

Despite this small creature's nature, the students. seemed to accept, and perhaps even enjoy this new arrival. 

All but one student.

One girl, sporting black twintails, stood, her hand on the doorway as she peered into the class. She stared at the small thing with a look of contempt.

"It's on my desk..." The girl thought, feeling a bitter rage settle in herself at the predicament. "Die!" The girl exclaimed internally, slamming the door shut and departing.

The class perked, turning to the door at the sudden jarring noise.

The bitter girl walked down the hall, hanging her head slightly as she traveled to her favorite place in this godforsaken school.


Yikes, was she glaring at us?"

"I mean... If I remember right, her parents got eaten by a devil."


Unbeknownst to the girl, the students had already begun their gossip about her.

The girl couldn't care less, or at least pretended to as she continued her short walk.

At least, it should've been...

"Don't walk side by side. People can't get past you." 

The girl thought, forced to fall in behind a row of chatting boys as they leisurely strolled down the hall, finally free to move at her own pace as they turned into their classroom.

The girl glanced to her side as she passed the bathrooms, seeing a group of girls in the midst of chattering with each other, their obnoxious giggles audible from the outside.

"Quit hanging out in the bathroom, you're in the way."

The girl thought. Despite not being a direct hindrance to her, the chattering girls still irked her.

The girl reached the stairwell, gazing down it and finding a couple, a boy and girl, sitting together. She stared at the couple as they giggled, leaning onto one another as their bubbly chatter filled her ears.

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