5k Qna Answers

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Hell all.

QnA time. :)


kaioshin000 asks: (Y/N) and Legs, are you two a big fan of spiderman? If so, which one is your favorite?

(Y/N): They're cool. I'd say I like Peter Parker the most, I only saw the spider verse movie once.

Legs: Same here.


LordYaeger_55 asks: Author, from the little bit I know from the academy sage, Denji isn't the main character. Are you going to follow that same route or will you do something different?

I mean I've made Denji a side character in his own story from day one so I guess I'll keep doing it.


Jobro89 asks: Legs, how much do you squat?

Legs: Enough to pry open the jaws of the Dinosaur Devil, so a lot.

They add: Aki, what is the fondest memory you have of your family? I know it's hard to talk about but it'd be cool to know.

Aki: Taiyo was always sick, and my parents were always taking care of him. So I never really had that many memorable experiences with any of them. If I were to say, my most fond memory would be my time in the snow with Taiyo.


Aki: But you know how that ended...


BlandyBoi asks: Legs, why are you such a dickhead to (Y/N) now? What happened to the frog legs that brought him ALL the condoms?

Legs: I still bring this idiot condoms. And as for why I'm mad, well... You can ask him yourself.

(Y/N) is silent, a guilty look on his face.


MarioandLuigi578 asks: Quanxi and her fiends, have you given any advice or tips to (Y/N) and Power in regards to foreplay to keep their relationship healthy?

Quanxi: Gave him a lesson on tongue game, but besides that, he does a good job of pleasuring his lady, as he should.

(Y/N): I could play an electric guitar with my tongue now!


Jobro89 asks: Kishibe, do you have any buddies from your younger days in Public Safety alive other than Quanxi? What's the best moment you had back in those early days?

Kishibe: The ones that left weren't worth remembering. The ones that didn't are all dead. All there is to it.

They add: Not really a question, but I want to say thanks for creating such a beautiful story. This story inspired me to write a Chainsaw Man story and I have high hopes for the future.

Thank you. :)


gravesitenull asks: Fami, favorite restaurant and meal? Also, feeling on Popeye's and Chick-fil-A?

Hey, we haven't introduced that character yet >:(

They add: Kishibe, is Yoshida in any way related to you?

Kishibe: Psh, I hope not.

They add: Legs, do you resent (Y/N) that you're kinda based off of him, like you feel that he's the original and you're just the copy?

Legs is silent, a bitter look on his face.

They add: Denji, are you dating Reze?

Denji: We're taking things slow, but I guess you can say that, yeah!

Hell's Heroes: A Chainsaw Man StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ