Part 7: Bullies

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Yoru stared at Yuko's new form. Yuko body had become gangly and wrinkled, sporting a skirt made of squirming tentacles. A cylindrical pillar of brain tissue sat where the top of her head once was, and two head tentacles flared from where her eyes should've been.

"Well-" Yuko opened her mouth to speak, only for one of Yuko's tentacles to shoot straight for her head. Yoru parried it with her katana, pushed back ever so slightly by the force of the attack. Yuko sent out two more, aimed at her legs in an attempt to subdue her. Yoru lept back, leaving the tentacles to sail below her harmlessly. Two more followed, and it seemed Asa would be 'subdued'. 


Yoru spun in the air, cleaving a tentacle in two and dodging the others.

"Cool!" Yuko said. "But you're my the way!" She snarled, sending her head tentacle shooting out of a window. Yoru barely blocked in time as the tentacle slammed into her, sending her flying through the door of a classroom. Dozens of surprised yelps erupted from the class as Yoru slammed into a window hard enough to crack, but not shatter.

"Whoa!!" The teacher of the class cried as he saw the nightmarish form of Yuko slither past the class, advancing to Asa's classroom. He lept for a button, pushing it and triggering a campus-wide alert.

"A dangerous devil has appeared on campus."

"Please evacuate the building immediately via the nearest escape route."

An automated message played on the loudspeaker as a droning alarm blared, disturbing the classes.

The students of Asa's class, unaware of the imminent danger, slowly shuffled out of their class. Bored expressions on their faces.


"Is this a drill?" 

"Nah... Wait... is it?"

"This is not a drill." 

The students whipped around to be met with Yuko towering over them.



The hall erupted in a cacophony of screams as the class broke into a terrified sprint, desperate to escape the devil in front of them.

"Who put raw chicken in a shoe cubby the other day!?" Yuko asked the crowd, her tone more resembling a disappointed parent than a bloodthirsty devil. Yuko scanned the crowd, reading the minds of the students as she searched for her targets. Her gaze landed on the three girls who had bullied Asa previously.

"It was you girls? I knew it." Yuko said.

"Pencil Spear!!!"

Yuko turned as Yoru threw a three-pronged spear made of giant pencils at her head, catching the projectile with a tentacle effortlessly.

"Geez! I told you that I can read your every move!" Yuko huffed.

"I can only make weapons with these..." Yoru said, gazing at one of the pencils from the bag of Asa's school supplies. 

Yuko wasted no time, throwing the spear given by Yoru straight into the back of one of the bullies, sending her to the ground as they vomited blood. This action elicited another round of panicked screams from the fleeing students.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!!!" One the three bullies wailed.

"Nah. You're a bad guy." Yuko smiled.


Yuko's tentacle crashed into the girl's head, sending her skull smashing into a wall. The girl was killed instantly, falling limp to the ground.

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