Part 5: I'm Him

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Assorted soft striking noises filled Asa Mitaka's room as Yoru punched a pillow repeatedly, a livid expression on her face. She dug her fingers into the pillow, wrapping her arms around it and stuffing her face into it.


Yoru let out a muffled cry of fury into the pillow, still thrashing in the bed like a rampaging toddler. "I can't believe we got saved by Chainsaw Man!" Yoru yelled.

"Hey, I'm trying to sleep here!" Asa said.

"What the hell!? The Blood Devil!? Big Brother!? Their whole thing was that they hated eachother!!!" Yoru seethed.

"Brother!?" Asa asked. "Wait, that frog thing's your brother!?" Asa cried.

"He's not a frog! He just looks like one." Yoru said. "Anyways, it doesn't matter." Yoru hissed. "If he's allied with Chainsaw Man, then our ambitions-"

"Your ambitions." Asa cut in.

"-might as well be dashed!" Yoru hissed. "Chainsaw Man's strong, but paired with Consumption!?" Yoru gritted her teeth, before screaming into her pillow again.

"...Why do you hate Chainsaw Man so much anyway?" Asa asked.

"I fought Chainsaw Man long ago! He and big brother were enemies. Chainsaw Man was an unkillable bastard that got up no matter how many times he was killed. And big brother was an unstoppable beast that devoured everything he came across. I and my sisters tried to kill Chainsaw Man one day, when he was locked in combat with big brother. And you know what? He helped him!!!" Yoru snarled. "We lost, and the next thing I knew, Chainsaw Man had eaten from my body, weakening me!" Yoru said.

"...Wait, you're still saying Frog Dude is your brother?"

"HE'S NOT A FROG!!!" Yoru yelled. That last outburst seemed to wear her out, and she let her head fall onto the pillow as she began to fizzle out. "Chainsaw Man is the reason there hasn't been a single war since the World War. War became a thing of movies and video games..." Yoru muttered. "...And as the world forgot war's terrors, I grew even weaker..." Yoru sighed.

"At this rate... Everyone will forget me..." Yoru murmured. "And that bastard Chainsaw Man is to blame..." Yoru closed her eyes and settled.


"Are you afraid of being forgotten?" Asa asked.







"Wait-Are you kidding me!? You're already asleep!?" Asa suddenly said, realizing Yoru had dozed off in damn near three seconds. "You were screaming your head off sevens seconds ago!" Asa said. 


Asa slowly turned away from Yoru, turning to the ceiling and resting the back of her head on her pillow.

"For the longest time, I didn't care if I died."

"But now, I'm glad I didn't."

"Thanks, Chainsaw Man..."


Legs stood on the roof of the school, gazing out into the city. He held an angry expression on his face, his eyebrows glued to the area just above his eyes in a permanent glare. That idiot Denji. How could he risk all of them like that? For no reason at all? It pissed him off to no end. First, two horsemen were at large, and now this? What kind of idiot would try to leak his own secret identity?

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