The skills of a top special forces soldier allow him to react faster with his body than his brain in the face of any unexpected attack!

  Even Ding Yi, who turned into a zombie, couldn't get close to him!

  However, at this time, the stairs at Xu Shaoyang's feet suddenly began to collapse.

  The clods of soil disintegrated, the steel bars collapsed, Xu Shaoyang hung in the air with one foot, and his whole body fell downwards.

  Fortunately, Han Qingxia grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up with a strong force.

  However, things are not over yet.

  The stairs continued to collapse, and Han Qingxia didn't even bother to put Xu Shaoyang down, picked him up and ran upwards.

  Every time they took a step, the stairs behind them collapsed.

  Large rumbling cement blocks fell in pieces. The entire stairwell collapsed layer by layer in Xu Shaoyang's field of vision. He saw a figure at the bottom between the gaps between the cement blocks.

  "Boss! After that earth-type superpower turned into a zombie, he still retained his earth-type superpower! And it was strengthened!"

  "I know." Han Qingxia carried Xu Shaoyang and strode towards the rooftop.

  At this time, all the last steps collapsed in front of her. Han Qingxia stepped on the air. Almost at the same time, Han Qingxia carried Xu Shaoyang and dived upward against the wall. Xu Shaoyang on her shoulders grabbed the passage door on the third floor. This time It was Xu Shaoyang's turn to catch Han Qingxia.

  He held the closed safety entrance door on the third floor with one hand, and wrapped his legs around Han Qingxia's waist. As all the stairs under their feet collapsed, an upside-down golden hook sent Han Qingxia to the extremely narrow side of the third floor door. on the gap.

  He then jumped onto the side seam neatly.


  An entire safety passage collapsed, all stairs were gone, leaving only layers of exposed, broken steel bars and pitted walls.

  At this time, Han Qingxia and Xu Shaoyang were both standing at the door of the safe passage.

  An extremely narrow seam that can only accommodate half the size of a foot standing sideways!

  There was a pit of more than ten meters beneath their feet.

  A slight movement would lead to an abyss.

  And what's terrible is that there are zombies in the locked safe passage behind them!

  The zombies smelled their scent and rushed against the security door.

  The bloody zombie face was separated from Han Qingxia by a glass window, right in front of Han Qingxia.

  This feeling is really exciting and exciting!

  "Boss! That zombie with supernatural powers is hiding!" Xu Shaoyang has been sensing where the zombie is, but zombie Ding Yi has earth-type powers.

  As soon as he hid in the rubble, he was nowhere to be found!

  At this time, he just felt that his water power was of no use here!

  When the enemy is hiding, it is still the opponent's main battlefield, and he can't help the opponent at all!

  And they are in very danger now!

  There is an abyss in front of you and zombies behind you!

  It seems that there is no solution!

  At this time, Han Qingxia closed her eyes.

  After she closed her eyes, her mind quickly constructed all the images of the land around her.

  The powerful mental power is like a radar heading towards the direction where it can be detected.

  In her spiritual realm, the people around her are dark blue, and behind her are seventeen or eight gray-white creatures.

  Blue is Xu Shaoyang, gray and white are zombies.

  She continued to spread her mental power downwards.

  In an instant, a larger picture appeared.

  There were still fifteen or sixteen on the floor below them, and seven or eight gray-white zombies were scattered and wandering on the bottom floor.

  A distinctive khaki-colored zombie immediately appeared in front of her.

  "Yangzi, 12 o'clock, get ready."

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