Han Qingxia saw the food he handed over and said, "No, you can eat it yourself. I'm full."

  As soon as she said she was full, everyone else looked at her, "Sister, are you really full?"

  "You're welcome!"

  "That's how we eat! We all have to fight to eat, otherwise I'll give them all to you!"

  Qi Mingtang handed over the potato meat cubes and soup that had only a little bit of bottom left.

  Full of sincerity.

  "Forget it." Han Qingxia lost her appetite just looking at it.

  "Then if you don't want to eat it, why don't we help you eat the remaining rice?" Tang Jian said cautiously, looking at the half pot of rice she had saved.

  Probably her dog looked like this when he asked her for leftovers.

  Han Qingxia: "...Here you go!"

  Han Qingxia gave them his pot.

  They poured her rice into the vegetable basin, mixed it with the leftover broth, and ate it all up.

  Han Qingxia looked at them like this, opened the drink and said quietly, "Are you okay?"

  "Of course! We haven't had such good food in almost a month!" Tang Jian said.

  "Aren't you from the military headquarters? Isn't there food in the military headquarters?"

  He Zhangping waved his hand at this time, "It's long gone! Our Eastern Military Region has established a base, and all the supplies have been supplied to the base first! The food for our soldiers has been greatly reduced! And it's getting worse day by day! We left the base At this time, I can only eat one dish, one soup and one meal every day!"

  Han Qingxia said quietly, "K1 base?"

  "Yes! You know our base!" Qi Mingtang's eyes lit up.

  "I heard it on the radio." Han Qingxia said casually. Anyway, they didn't know how their base promoted it.

  "Our base is very large and we have been rescuing residents of City A and City B! We have rescued the most people in the eastern region!" Wang Heng said.

  Li Lin, who has always had the least sense of presence, said, "Our base is also very strong! All the troops from the Eastern Military Region are inside, so it is very safe!"

  At this time, Tang Jian looked at Han Qingxia and said, "Sister, why don't you come with us to our base!"


  "I'm not kidding you. Although you are a little fierce, a little bad-tempered, a little arrogant and a little brutal...but you are really strong." Tang Jian looked at Han Qingxia up and down, "Our K1 base needs it very much. Talent like you!"

  "That's right!" He Zhangping said immediately, "Sister, you are very skilled. I think you are better than our captain! You can join us! This way all of us, including Shao Yang, can still be together!"

  Everyone looked at Han Qingxia when they heard this.

  Han Qingxia: "..."

  She wanted to poach them, and these people also wanted to poach her!

  Chapter 40 People must be taken away

  Han Qingxia looked at this group of people, waved to them, and everyone came together.

  "Will I have meat to eat every day after joining you?"

  Everyone thought seriously for a moment with a straight face and shook their heads.

  "After joining you, can I go wherever I want? Can I be free every day?"

  Everyone shook their heads again.

  "Can you kill those who are unhappy if something unpleasant happens to you after joining you?"

  Everyone's heads shook like rattles.

  Han Qingxia looked at them with a smile, "Then why should I join you?"

  Everyone was speechless for a moment.

  "For honor!" At this time, Tang Jian stood up and said proudly.

  "Honor you MMP!" Han Qingxia kicked him away. "Honor is that you worked like a fool outside and didn't even get rescued in the end!" "

  "Honor means that you are like a bereaved dog, kneeling in front of me and begging me to take him in?"

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