My Mother had told me that she was worried for his safety, but luckily, he travelled a lot and wasn't at home half of the week. I was so happy that my Mother had moved on though and had found love with somebody else. What my Father had provided her wasn't love- it was control.

"Anna?" questioned my Mother from the top of the stairs, causing me to widen my eyes as she took a few tentative steps down it. Jared gulped, rolling towards her to grab her hand and help her down the final two. She smiled thankfully, nodding at him.

"Are you sure you should be up and walking?" I asked with worry, scurrying over to her and placing my hand on the small of her back. I didn't want her to fall. This was a lot for her to take in. I remembered when I first found out. I felt like I was living a dream.

"I'm fine," she chuckled, nodding at me. "The room was stuffy. I really need to get into contact with Geoff. He's going to be worried about me."

"Of course," Jared said. "You can use my phone to give him a call if you would like?"

My Mother took Jared's phone from his hands, thanking him and moving over to the corner of the room to dial his number.

"Mother," I whispered as I manouvered myself over to her. "You know you can't say anything about what's happened, right? You can't talk about werewolves with anyone."

"I figured as much," my Mother spoke, cupping my cheeks and planting a kiss to my forehead. "Don't panic, Anna. I've got it under control."

"Are you alright?" Jared mouthed to me, and I nodded, smiling as I sat down on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips to mine and my eyes fluttered shut as I moved my mouth against his for a few seconds, suddenly feeling self-conscious with my Mother in the room. Jared chuckled, patting my butt as I clambered off of him.

"Jared, the extension on your house will be completed in the next day or so," Clara informed my mate, and he nodded, looking excited.

I had never actually seen Jared's actual house here.

"Will you come and live with me?" Jared asked, looking hopeful as he held onto my hand.

I smiled. "Of course I will."

I wasn't sure if I was going to fit in here, but I wanted to give it a go. I was definitely never going to be able to let go of my human side, nor would Jared ever expect me to, and I was going to need to venture out of the pack a lot to keep my sanity. Being surrounded by huge wolves that could crush your skull with ease was daunting.

I gazed at my Mother as she chatted on the phone. She laughed, and I knew that Geoff had bought her story about losing her phone and falling asleep at a friend's house. He didn't sound like the jealous or controlling type anyway, and I was happy that he wasn't accusing my Mother of cheating, something my Father did time and time again.

She ended the call, passing the phone back to Jared. Turning to me, she grabbed a hold of my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "I need to get back soon. Luckily Geoff had been working and wasn't aware how long I had actually been gone. I won't tell him anything to do with what's happened, so don't worry."

"I'm guessing you won't be living here," I said, already knowing the answer. My Mother had her life, and I didn't expect her to drop everything and come and live with the wolves when she had no tie to them.

She sighed, shaking her head. "My home isn't here, sweetheart, but yours is, and that's okay. I'll come and visit and you can always come and stay whenever you want to. I'm going to need to rent a car and get going soon though. It's at least a four hour drive."

My Mother had moved farther away than I had thought, and I sighed. Seeing her was going to be a struggle sometimes. She didn't live close enough to just pop in and say 'hi'.

"Can we just have one of our doctors come by and check you over before you go? One should be coming over soon," Clara said, biting on her fingernail, looking anxious. "We want to make sure that you're okay to drive. We wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if something happened to you on the way home."

My Mother nodded. "Yes, that would be great, thank you, and thank you for looking after my daughter and myself. We wouldn't be alive without you."

"You also wouldn't have been involved in this mess if it wasn't for us," Jared huffed, looking guilty, but I shook my head at him. I grabbed his hand comfortingly, giving it a squeeze.

"Don't be silly," my Mother spoke. "I know nothing about your kind, and frankly, I'm still internally freaking out. I'm somewhat hoping that I'll wake up and this would have all been a dream, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Anna is happy. I've never seen her smile this much. Please, just protect my daughter. She's been through too much. She deserves the world and more."

Jared nodded, furrowing his brows and looking at my Mother seriously. "I'll always protect her- with my life."


Jared is a king.

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