Chapter Nine - Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Start from the beginning

"Big match up here. Kai Anoki, our girls National champ from last year up against next big thing,  and one of our State reps last year, Isla Novak." I can faintly hear the commentator's voice filling the silence as I center myself. My hands swishing slowly back and forth in the water. Use my emotions....I can do that. I paddle hard, popping up and drop in on the perfect wave. I channel everything I was feeling, letting my emotions guiding me. "Kai Anoki ripping here. Very solid start! She will be a huge asset to Team Victoria." I could hear the commentator speaking as I finish my wave. I paddle back to the lineup as Isla rides her set, falling halfway in. I close my eyes as I tilt my head up to the sky, the sun warming my face. "I wish you were here right now to see me. I love you" I whisper, I feel a calmness settle over me as I open my eyes. This was it. One last wave, I had to give it everything I had. A wave starts to form as I turn myself and start to paddle hard. This was as close as it gets to walking on water. There is something so euphoric when you are out here in the surf. This addicting power as you ride a wave....the calmness that takes over your mind as you focus on steadying your breathing. For those few shorts minutes it feels like you are a part of something greater. A spark in your soul that you will never feel anywhere else.

The moment I finish I rush to the shore dropping my board as I run to Bax jumping into his arms as he catches me with ease. "You ripped out there! I've never seen anyone quite like you Kai Anoki." he smiles before his lips find my. My heart slowed and every muscle in my body relaxed. The feel of his hands against my hips as he holds me up, sends warmth erupting throughout my body. I put my hands through his messy pink hair before bringing him closer to me. I was equally thankful and annoyed that we were in public. I didn't want to stop at kissing because devouring every inch of him would be the most satisfying moment of my life. A small whimper escapes me when he bites my bottom lip before pulling away.

I give him a small pout before he sets me back on my own two feet. "After a day of highs and lows, the selectors are tallying the scores and putting their heads together. In a few short hours we'll know who's on the team and headed to the biggest junior comp of the year. The Nationals." The commentator ends as we all gather up our things and pack up.

All of us go home to clean up before heading to the Gibson's house to wait for the news together. Poppy paces the backyard checking her phone several times. "Have you guys heard anything?" she says in frustration. Marlon grabs her by the waist as she paces by him pulling her down onto his lap and taking her phone away. She gives him a glare but it's quickly replaced with a smile when he kisses her.

I find Bax across the yard his eyes never leaving mine as he talks with Ari and Manu. I couldn't help the goofy grin that splits my face, when he looked at me it was like he saw something in me worth looking at. He saunters' over to me picking me up off my feet as he peppers my face in kisses. "You look good" he whispers in my ear, a shiver running down my back. "I taste good too" I tease. His eyebrows shoot up as he gives me a cheeky grin. His lips were on mine in an instant as it quickly becomes intense his hands pulling my hips towards him as he leans against the back of one of the outdoor chairs.

"You both are disgustingly cute together. Please stop." Bodhi whines making us break our kiss as I turn to look at her. I can feel Baxs eyes still on me as his hands start to roam my body slowly. Seconds later Mrs. Gibson comes out shouting food as she brings out dinner. We all make our way to the table  digging into the food and talking about today's event. I look around the table smiling as I watch everyone laughing and talking with one another. As much as I missed my mum and wanted her to be here desperately I couldn't help but be thankful for who I had surrounding me tonight.

After dinner I rest on Bax as we laid sprawled out on the couch, we were all waiting for the results as everyone tried to distract themselves with a game. "The stupidest thing I've ever done....and go." Summer points to Poppy "searching my house for twenty minutes looking for a pair of shorts that I couldn't find because I had them on!" she says before pointing to Ari. "Jumping off the stairway" he answers as everyone nods their head. He points to Bax "I once tried to take a screenshot of a crack on my phone screen" he tells everyone, I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. "You think that's funny huh...okay your turn" he teases pointing at me. "I once put a cup of water in the microwave but the cup was too tall so I thought if I poured some water out it would magically fit. Obviously that didn't work out so good for me." as I'm getting ready to point to Bodhi all our phones go off with a notification.

Everyone excitedly opens their phones as the whole backyard buzzes with the anticipation. "Okay the suspense is killing me?" Manu says as he watches everyone. All of us going around telling him we were in. Summer gets the wildcard spot again this year. Bax leans down to kiss my forehead "I'm so proud of you and I know your mum is too." he tells me as my heart skips a beat. This day couldn't have turned out any better as I lay wrapped up between my boyfriends arms surrounded by our friends. Everything was fitting into place.

Surviving Summer // Baxter Radic x OCWhere stories live. Discover now