Han Qingxia tried her speed again. She ran at full speed in an explosive state and could easily run at the level of a world champion!

  Every time the physical limit increases a little bit, it will bring about a barrier gap like a natural chasm.

  And the reward given to her by the system is directly doubled!

  Her strength and speed have reached the absolute ceiling of the human body!

  Even Han Qingxia feels that with the rise of superpowers in the future, his current state will be directly comparable to those of ordinary speed and strength users!

  This reward is a real thumbs up!

  After Han Qingxia tried her own physical fitness, she entered her own space.

  At this moment, there is a fighting art book lying in her space.

  Han Qingxia opened it immediately.

  After browsing a few moves, Han Qingxia's eyes brightened.

  All the moves are precise and brutal, and they are all killing moves aimed at the human body and zombies, with a large number of surprising and surprising points for victory.

  No wonder it is a fighting technique that is far ahead of the current era. Each move contains the summary of decades of veteran warriors.

  As if Han Qingxia had found a treasure, he immediately started learning.

  Another five days passed by.

  Han Qingxia has been training at the base every day these days. Training is still training.

  Every morning I go for a morning run around the mountain as usual, and after warming up, I start practicing my fighting skills.

  During the process, the rice cooker was cooking. After she and Xia Tian finished their meal, they added some food to the chickens, ducks and sheep, and looked after the fruits and vegetables.

  She can eat more eggs and duck eggs every day, and can produce about twenty eggs every day.

  Han Qingxia only takes a few of his daily meals every day, and leaves the rest in the pen for the old hens to hatch eggs.

  The vegetables in her vegetable patch also grow very well.

  Han Qingxia predicts that in ten days, leeks and Chinese cabbage, which have a short maturity period, will be ready to be harvested.

  The base is thriving and developing in an excellent direction.

  In the past few days, the city outside has once again undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Yesterday evening, Han Qingxia stood on the tower of his house, looking around and looking at City A in front of him. A little after eight o'clock, the sporadic lights in the city clicked, extending from front to back, and extinguished in large areas.

  The power was cut off early.

  The electricity lasted for a long time in my previous life, but this time it only lasted about half a month.

  After all, the zombie virus has broken out in advance, and all uncontrollable factors are changing. The power plant should be completely destroyed.

  But it seems that this life is far more difficult than the previous one.

  Because electricity is the basic energy source, Han Qingxia was at home in her last life and the natural gas was cut off, so she always relied on electricity to cook, eat and drink.

  And at night, you can observe the zombie situation through the voice-activated lights outside the gate and monitoring current events.

  Now that there is no electricity, survival in the city has become much more difficult!

  Standing on the tower, Han Qingxia seemed to be able to hear the screams and honking cars coming from the city ahead.

  "Boom boom boom!"

  She saw the road at the end of the path outside her air raid shelter from the farthest position of the infrared camera, and quickly used many vehicles.

  They fled into the city like crazy, followed by a long line of zombies chasing them.

  In the darkness, many of the vehicles that escaped were hit, and the sound of vehicle speed and car accidents was particularly clear in the dark night.

  Half a month is enough time for everyone to accept the fact, especially the fact that there is no way to wait for rescue. Today's city-wide power outage will be the last straw for everyone. Now they don't care about anything except desperately escaping the city.

  Han Qingxia knew that a new wave of escapes was about to begin.

  Early the next morning, she stood on the tower again and saw a large number of car accidents on the road outside her lane.

  The number of zombies wandering along the main road began to increase.

  Some of them gathered around the vehicles at the scene of the accident and ate the bodies, while others wandered around aimlessly.

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