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*8 Days Later*

"Happy birthday, Mommy!" I said to the framed picture of my mom.

I lit a candle and set it next to the picture.

"You would've been 41 today." A painful smile spread across my face.

"I know I haven't talked to you in a while. I'm sorry. I try to get Mere to speak to you, but he doesn't believe in stuff like this.''

"I miss you...everyday. Sometimes, I have the hope that you aren't really gone. I like to think that you were just unconscious when I seen you laying on that floor, but deep down...I know the truth."

I look down at my hands and tears start to fall.

"Whoever said it gets easier with time lied!" I yelled.

"It's been four years and the image of you lying down dead on that floor still haunts me!"

"Eyes open full of terror, blood pouring from god knows where. I wonder if you suffered. I hope it was painless."

I went silent with multiple things on my mind.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear all this."


"I got a new car. It's a Jeep! A blue one.

"Deddy would be so excited for me! I wish I could seen the look on his face getting my first car."


"Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Rest in piece, mommy. I love you."

*Flash Back*

"Do you think deddy is still alive?" I asked Mere.

"I told you about that." He said.

I frowned.

"But what if he is alive? What if  they just got him locked up somewhere?"

"He's dead, Monie...", He said.
"Please stop with this shit."

"But what if-."


I flinched.

"You want at least one of them to believe alive. I get that. I really do, but I can't keep listening to this shit every other day." He said.

"They dead, Monie."

He grabbed my arms and looked me in my eyes.

"They. Are. Dead."

"We both know damn well that if they were still alive we would be with them by now."

"It's been 6 months. If they were alive, we would know. But they aren't."

"I know you wanna believe they alive. I know it's hard come to terms with all of this, but this needs to stop."

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