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"I-I don't want to trouble you. You have already done more than enough for me despite we are strangers. I have no problem in living in my old room and I'm su-" I almost flinched away when he kept his finger on lip. They felt warm against my cold and dry lips.
"either you say yes or I'll have to use my way" he said. A major red flag was there and unfortunately i ignored it.

"I'm sorry but I don't think that I-" my words got stuck in my throat when I felt him picking me up in his arms in bridal style. My eyes got stuck with his. On instinct my hand clutched his collar. I looked at him bewildered, unable to comprehend my own emotions.

"Clara, ask the maids to shift her stuff to my room tomorrow and send our dinner to my room" Ordering her, he carried me to his room most probably.

"perfect" he muttered as he sat me on his bed and covered me with his duvet. It smelled divine.

"Thank you" I said as I got into a comfortable position.

"no need to thank me Eva, it's alright" My breath hitched hearing the name. It was one of my nickname that dad gave me. I looked up at him trying to not let my fear show. Does he know me did he really called me Eva or I heard it wrong. My hands started to sweat under the duvet. 

"Well actually, you don't remember your name so I thought to call you Eva, I hope you don't mind, it's pretty difficult to call you without a name" He nervously chuckled and I was only able to nod. My words were frozen in my mouth. 

"Oh, um well if you didn't like it then I won't call you that" His sad faced had successfully made me fell in a pit of guilt. I didn't know what to do. I was worried about what my future holds. I couldn't figure out that if I had finally escaped a monster for a better life or did I myself led me to another nightmare. But dad always said never to judge a book by it's cover, you never know who turns out to be a gem.

"you ok?" I came out of my thoughts when he kept his cold hands against my hot forehead. I shivered at the sudden touch. He immediately retreated his hand bank apologizing to me in the process. The concern and worried look that he had on his face was something that I was only used to see on Aezy's face.

"I like it, thankyou" I said. He nodded passing me another charming smile of his.

"I hope you get your memory soon. I have asked the doctor about your condition and he had informed me that due to sudden trauma you might have lost it but in few months depending on how fast your health recovers, you will get back your memory" A tiny bit of guilt again seeped inside my veins. He was doing so much for me, helping me with everything, am I wrong to trust him, a stranger who I met so recently. Should I tell him about everything, would he be able to help me and also help Aezvan escape that hell. I am worried about him. I just hope he is good. 

The world is full of snakes lina, all of them are trying to get that one opportunity where they would trap you and eat you alive. So don't trust anybody. 
I shrugged those words off my head and looked at Ivan who was smiling at me. May be not everyone in this world is bad aezy. Some are like you too. I said to myself and decided to tell Ivan everything.

"Iva-"My words were cut off by the knock on the door. Ivan ordered the maid to come inside. The door opened and instead of a maid, a servant came. He looked at me and I followed his stare only to see that he was staring at my cleavage which got exposed due to the dress that got out of place a little when ivan was trying to settle me on his bed.

"Keep the food here " Ivan's words broke his disgusting stare off me. I covered myself with the duvet more. Disgust crawled inside me remembering all the things Aerius did to me, the servant's lustful eyes reminded me of Aerius's eyes. He was undressing me with those eyes of his.

"Here, you finish eating this ok?" Ivan said as he passed me the plate full of different dishes. I don't know if I would ever be able to finish it or not. I was given only a limited amount of food since Aerius didn't want me to go out of shape. That vile creature.

"finish everything eva" He repeated his words again and I nodded in a yes.

"where are you going" I asked him when I saw him not arranging a plate for himself.

"oh, something urgent came up. Don't worry, you finish your dinner, clara will come and give you the medicines, I'll eat in my office. Don't be awake till late, it would worsen your health" He said and before I could say anything he gently kissed my forehead and left. I was shocked for a moment before I came back to the reality and touched the spot where he kissed.

I once was fairytale believer but Aerius made sure that I was no princess and there was no prince coming to save me.

I don't wanna live with a false hope again.

I got rid of my thoughts and started eating my dinner, I waited for clara to come and give me the medicines, once she gave me those I decided to sleep and give my body the rest that it deserved.
The sudden breeze of hair hit the vase kept on the table making haven woke up with a jerk, in a panic state. She looked around and saw that it was the vase that had fell. She stood up to close the window. It was still very dark outside but it still felt very relaxing to her.

Ivan was still not in the room and she didn't want to sleep anymore. So she took her shawl and decided to stay in the garden for a while.

Peace settled inside her heart when she sat on the bench in the garden but a sudden scream had disrupted it. She stood up and followed direction where the scream had come from.

With fear she took her steps further and saw a man badly bruised up running in her direction. 

Fear paralysed her but what made her scream was the sudden gun shot sound, blood splattered 

on her face which made her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes she was shocked to see the man now laying lifeless near her feet.

She looked in front and saw him. her savior, Ivan, with a gun. Her eyes widened in shock and terror, one moment she saw him moving towards her with the gun and the next moment she was surrounded with darkness.

"fuck, someone get the doctor" these were the last words that echoed in her ears before she fully submitted to the darkness.


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