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"Why can't we keep her with us" Izrael asked waiting at the secret place, any moment Ammon would come and take their little treasure with him.

Lucifer forced his heart from getting emotional. He was the eldest, he had the responsibility that he needed to fulfil, no matter how much his heart yearned for his little doll, he knew better than to lose against his own emotions.


  He looked at Izrael and then at the little haven who was still in her deep slumber oblivious of everything going around her.

  "She is just a new born Iz, even dad and mama won't want her to get exposed to blood and all the other things that could possibly taint her soul." Lucifer spoke sternly.

 "He is here" Matias said as he saw two cars stopping by. A man and a woman, who were the same age as Daemon and Anna stepped out of the car, followed by few of their men.

  Rafael took Haven in his arms and kissed her forehead one last time, Izrael, Michael and Gabriel did the same before finally passing her over to Lucifer, who with everything controlled his emotions and gave her to the woman who gently held her in her arms.

  Haven's eyes opened and she started to cry for the familiar embrace, as if she knew the woman holding her wasn't her mother, she started to cry frantically, the woman tried her best to make her stop crying but she didn't.

  The boys heart clenched, lucifer's heart was aching to take her back into his embrace and never let those beautiful eyes ever shed a tear again but he knew that if he took her back now he won't be able to let her go ever again.

  "Take her back into the car Lara" The man, Ammon ordered his wife, who nodded obeying her husband's word, the brothers felt like some was taking away their souls as they saw Lara going away from them and then finally sitting in the car which had tinted windows and soundproof doors.

  Her cries for them faded away. The last time they saw her.

  Lucifer composed himself as he looked back to Ammon.

  "My father trusted you a lot till his last breath and I trust my father, that's why I'm handing her to you but we will take her back once we get back what has been snatched from us and avenge our parents death" Lucifer said, Ammon nodded, not even for a single second he felt like he was talking to a kid, it felt like he was talking to Daemon himself.

  He was like his father at such a young age, a shiver ran down his spine thinking what would happen once he grew up.

  "Take care of our little sister" Rafael said, his eyes still stuck on the car.

  "We will come back soon" The twins said, sadness dancing in their eyes.

  "One scratch on her and I will myself rip you apart piece by piece, your generations would cry for being born in your family" Izrael's words made his heart beat in fear, his midnight blue eyes just like haven looked at him with pure sadism. He knew Haven's eyes were enough to make him remember about Izrael's threat for they shared the same color.

  It was a wonder how the same eyes could look so beautiful and so cold at the same time.
  Ammon nodded again.

  "Your father and I were very good friends, rest assured, I will love her like my own" Ammon said, sincerity clear in his voice.

  "you better do" Lucifer's words were cold with a hidden threat laced in it.

  "what's her name" Ammon asked.

  "Haven Angelica Romanov" Lucifer said removing the locket he had around his neck and giving it to Ammon "Give this to her on her 16th b'day, till then noone should know that she is a Romanov" Lucifer finished.

  "ok" Ammon said and before he could say another word, all of his men laid dead on the ground. Rafael and lucifer shot each of his men.

  "I don't trust your men" Lucifer said and Ammon nodded and left.
  "so we won't be seeing her for the next 16 years" Rafael asked and lucifer nodded.

  "We are going to track each and every single person who betrayed us and when our training is over, I want everyone to fear our existence" Lucifer hissed, the boys nodded, their fists clenched.

  "Daemon's Angels will bring hell on earth" Matias shivered at his thought. The future was going to be so much darker and the only hope was little haven but who knew that little haven was herself going to be caged in darkness.


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