Anne: Oh. You're back? I hope you got along without- woah, are you guys ok?

At closer inspection, the three looked horrible. Each had their ponchos and bags ripped up. Polly's eyes were puffy and Hop Pop looked exhausted. He snorted in loudly as Poppy sneezed and sent herself flying across the room.

Sprig: Oh, me? I'm fine.

Hop Pop: Looks like Polly and I have come down with something too.

Polly: Who said that?

Sprig: Oh it was brutal out there, you guys. Good thing you stayed inside. I mean sure, the work would have gone much quicker if you were with us but you probably would have just gotten sicker.

Anne: Yep. Sicker.

Sprig: But nobody has to worry, because I'm going to take care if everyone ... ah ... ah!

Sprig sneezed and his tongue spat out to atleast twice its original size.

Sprig: Oh, no!

Hop Pop: Yep, it got Sprig, too.

Anne: Wait, what? So you're all sick?

Polly: Sure looks that way.

She started hopping off to find her bucket but accidentally hopped into a trash bucket instead.

Sprig: Polly, no.

Hop Pop: Oh, dang. I'm sticky.

Polly: Who's gonna take care of us?

Anne looked to the side guiltily as Y/N cleared his throat.

Y/N: Worry not family, for I shall nurture you ALL back to health.

Anne: And I'll help as much as I can, promise.

She added an extra cough at the end and Y/N rolled his eyes.

Hop Pop: Great! Eh, what on earth are you wearing, Y/N?

Y/N: Nothing!

Polly: What? What is it?

Y/N: Oh, yknow. Just the regular.

Polly: ... is it the sexy nurse outfit?

Y/N slumped over, defeated.

Y/N: Yeah.

Anne: Wait, how did you know?

Polly: Girl, who do you think took him clothes shopping?


Y/N and Polly walked into the clothes shop from Chapter 12 and began browsing.

Y/N: Wow, these costumes would look really cool for my- I mean OUR fashion show. Ooooh! I can be a police officer.

Y/N put on the costume in the changing room and came out looking sick as hell.

Y/N: Woo! I am the law. Oooh, or I can be a farmer.

Y/N went back into the changing room and put on the costume. It was a set of blue overalls and a straw hat. Y/N plucked out a piece of straw and let it dangle on his lip.

Y/N: I do be done diddlin these here farm lands to toil ma crops and use them hoes! That ... that sounded way better in my head.

Polly: Hey, Y/N! Come try out this one!

Polly held up a cowboy costume and Y/N eagerly took it and rushed into the changing room. He burst out a few seconds later with a dangerous grin.

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now