Chapter 9

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PLEASE..! EXAMS ARE ALMOST OVER. So many time skips but I'm really exhausted bruh 💀🙏

12 months passed by and Kaveh and Al Haitham were standing near the docks. It was almost time for Kaveh's delivery. Kaveh took a breath before turning to Al Haitham with a smile. His partner on the other hand is nervous.

"Are you ready..?"

He spoke with a bit of uncertainty, feeling a bit nervous about how everything was going to play out. He knew that Kaveh would give birth soon, and he wanted to make sure that he was there for the entire thing.

Al Haitham was trying to hide it from Kaveh, but he felt overwhelmed by the thought of this delivery. He just hoped that Kaveh would get through everything okay and that he would be able to help in any way possible.

"I'll be fine.. don't worry.."

"I know.. It's just that.."

He stopped in his tracks, trying to make sense of what he felt.

"This is.. A very big deal."

He wasn't the one who was giving birth, but he was extremely worried about Kaveh nonetheless. He wanted to make sure that the merman was okay and that everything played out smoothly.

"Are you sure you're ready..?"

He sounded a bit unsure but hopeful, speaking quietly as he looked over to Kaveh.

"I am.. I even asked my sea creature friends to protect me if something happens"

"Oh, really?"

Al Haitham spoke with curiosity, happy that Kaveh had considered having some people there to make sure that everything went according to plan.

"Are they going to come here when it's time..?"

He asked, wanting to make sure that Kaveh was safe during the entire process.

"We wouldn't want anything to go wrong."

"Mhm! It's going to be okay..! I'll be back in a few hours! Make sure to tell my clients that I'm off duty for a few weeks"

Kaveh reassured his lover that everything will be okay and the delivery will be safe. He also wanted to make sure that Al Haitham wouldn't do anything careless when he was away as well.

"I will, I will. Just.. Be safe, okay?"

Al Haitham spoke softly, showing genuine concern for Kaveh's safety. He wanted him to be okay during his time off.

"I love you and I can't wait until you're back."

He kissed Kaveh on the cheek, wanting to show his love to his partner before he had to go.

Kaveh kissed back before jumping into the water and transforming into his mermaid form. He gave a Quick smile before diving into the ocean.

"Be careful, okay..!"

He called out when Kaveh jumped into the water as a mermaid. Al Haitham watched his partner disappear into the depths, feeling a bit of worry as he did.

He had never seen what a mermaid's childbirth was like, and he couldn't help but feel anxious about how everything was going to play out.

"Come back soon, Kaveh.. I love you."

He said quietly, his words of love echoing through the air as he thought about Kaveh in the waters.

(My back hurts)

The day passed by and Al Haitham was sitting on the couch, nervous. It's been more than 7 hours and he feels anxious.

"Why is it taking him so long..? What if something's wrong..?"

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