Chapter 3

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As midnight approached, the waters were illuminated by the glow of the moon, and Al Haitham felt some excitement build up inside him. Perhaps his efforts would finally pay off, and he'd finally find that mythical mermaid. He sailed off to the middle parts of the sea, in search for this mermaid the Eremites and the student was talking about.

Al Haitham's eyes strained to search for the mythical creature, looking out for any sign of something strange in the sea.

At this point, he was beginning to doubt it himself. Maybe... this was just a rumor, a myth, or just made up in general. But Al Haitham refused to believe it, and continued his quest.

Time passed and Al Haitham saw nothing. It was starting to bore him being out at sea at this time of the night.

As more time passed and Al Haitham still didn't see anything, he felt his excitement fading away, and his eyes strain as he tried to look harder.

However, he pushed on. He was determined that one way or another, he would find that mythical being he had only heard about for so long.

Suddenly, Al Haitham saw something in the distance. He  saw, a figure sitting on the rock, admiring the moon.

Al Haitham felt his heart start pumping a little faster, as he saw the mythical being that he only heard about. He couldn't believe it, but the figure in front of him was truly a mermaid with blonde hair and a feather in its hair.

"That must be it...."

Al Haitham felt a pang of excitement as he watched, and decided to sail over.

The mermaid senses something and turns behind,  Al Haitham caught his face and it was beautiful. With crimson coloured eyes, the Merman swam back in the ocean.

Al Haitham smiled as the mermaid looked back at him, and his eyes widened when he noticed those crimson coloured eyes. He felt a strange feeling, as if his breath was being taken away from his lungs. Surely it wasn't what he thought it was.. but why did he feel this way?

Nevertheless, he called out to the mermaid, waving for it to stop.

"Wait! Don't go!"

As the mermaid suddenly disappeared, Al Haitham felt a pang of disappointment. He wished to get to know the mythical being more after looking at its dazzling beauty.

However, he knew that he had no other choice but to head back and report his findings. He couldn't wait to hear what the student would think.

But suddenly, he heard a splash and a figure swimming under the boat. Before long, the Merman swam up to him and poked his head towards the surface, curious about Al Haitham.

Al Haitham was surprised to see that the merman had swam up towards him, which caught him off guard. He took a step back, before leaning down to see what the mythical being wanted.

"Excuse me, but why did you choose to come back?" He asked, curious about the Merman's sudden re-introduction.


The Merman tilts his head in confusion.

"I apologize, but do you not understand my words?"

Al Haitham was unsure if what he said was actually understood by the merman. He didn't know if the mythical being could even understand him, but he figured he would try anyway. Though, the Merman's confused expression only made Al Haitham confused too.

"Let me rephrase it, I guess. Why did you swim up to me?"

The Merman seemed to understand, but couldn't find the words.

The Scribe and the Merman ✔ [Haikaveh] Where stories live. Discover now