Chapter 4

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Al Haitham woke up as the sun rose, and he prepared himself to go to the akademiya. He had a good idea on what he had to do in order to find Kaveh, and he was determined to see this through.

Al Haitham didn't want to spend another day not knowing where the merman he met was, or what happened to him ever since.

He went to the academy to search for someone who could help him in finding Kaveh, and as it turned out, he found a student who studied merfolk before. He seemed certain that there was a chance that they could locate Kaveh, for they had information about every merfolk in the area.

"Hello, student."

Al Haitham approached the student with a serious look, knowing the responsibility he carried by trying to find a mythical being.

"Ah! Acting grand sage! Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes, in fact."

Al Haitham was very straightforward as to why he was searching for the student.

"As I believe that you have studied merfolk before, I'm sure you can understand the urgency of finding a missing merfolk in the area.."

He then took out the feather that Kaveh gave him.

"This is proof."

It was Kaveh's feather, still as beautiful as the first time he saw it.

"Y-you.. saw the blonde Mermaid?!"

"That's correct."

Al Haitham nodded in response, knowing that he had to give all the information he knew. The feather was also a big piece of evidence.

"The merfolk I saw yesterday gave me this.."

He then handed the student the feather, hoping that it would be the key to finding Kaveh.

"What a miracle! And the feather is really pretty as well.."

"Indeed it is.."

Al Haitham was very happy that the feather had served a purpose, and hoped that this would lead to him finding Kaveh. He hoped that not a lot of time had passed, and that there would still be a chance of locating the missing merman.

"If possible, I need information on every merfolk that exists in this area."

He needed to find Kaveh, and he was prepared to work hard to do so.

"Grand sage.. I'm sorry to say.. but there's only one mermaid that exists until now. I tried researching but, all are gone except the blonde Mermaid.."

Al Haitham's heart sank at this news. Just one merfolk in the entire area.. and he had just met that merfolk yesterday.

"So there are no other merfolk aside from the one I met yesterday?"

He wanted confirmation, for he couldn't believe that Kaveh might be alone. Kaveh shouldn't be all alone on his own.. the merman deserved so much better than that.

"Is there really no one else?"

"No.. I even tried tracing them, gathering clues but no. The blonde Mermaid is the only one left"

"I see.."

Al Haitham was slightly discouraged at this new information, for he wanted to put an end to Kaveh's loneliness if possible.

Yet, a thought rose within him.

"If Kaveh is the only merman that's left.. then he's in even more danger."

He had to find Kaveh, for there would be only one chance to save him and keep him safe.

"Thank you."

He turned around and left the academia immediately.

Al Haitham didn't know how to proceed forward, for now that he knew that Kaveh was the last merman left, finding him seemed much harder. This also meant that his chances of finding him were getting slimmer by the second.

Yet, he had a feeling that there was something that he was missing. A feeling that he couldn't shake off completely. He still wanted to look for him, despite the odds being stacked against him.

Al Haitham made his way towards the coastline, with a feeling that the merman may be nearby.


The Scribe and the Merman ✔ [Haikaveh] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora