11: Oui, oui, baguette, bonjour

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|oui, oui, baguette, bonjour|

—Camilla really didn't want to leave Leo, but she was starting to think that hanging out with Cal the hockey jock might be the least dangerous option in this place.

As they climbed the icy staircase, Zethes stayed behind them, his blade drawn. The guy might've looked like a disco-era reject, but there was nothing funny about his sword. Camilla figured one hit from that thing would probably turn her into a Popsicle.

Then there was the ice princess. She was gorgeous. Every once in a while she'd turn and give Jason a smile, and even though it was cold, Camilla couldn't help but wish the smile was directed toward her. 

Step on me, turn me into a popsicle, stab me, walk over me, literally do anything

Piper glared at her and shook her head in disappointment as if she could read her mind. 

Camilla watched Piper and Jason walk ahead, Jason's finger still holding tight onto the coin. Suddenly, Jason's right hand took Piper's left and though she raised her eyebrows, she didn't let go.

Camilla didn't have a crush on Jason. She tried to convince herself. But as much as she had spoken highly about big deal, fake memories, get over it. It wasn't actually that easy to get over it. The familiar jealousy still sparked up.

At the top of the stairs, the ice princess looked back and noticed Jason and Piper holding hands. Her smile faded. Jason let go of Piper's hand like it burnt him, which it may have since there was frost smoking from their hands.

Camilla was already smitten with the Ice princess and now this? Gods, this goddess was looking hotter (not temperature wise) by the second.

"Warmth is not a good idea here," the princess advised, "especially when I am your best chance of staying alive. Please, this way."

Camilla hesitated for a second and Zethes poked her in the back with his icicle sword, and they followed the princess down a massive hallway decked in frosty tapestries.

Freezing winds moved back and forth and Camilla wrapped her jacket tighter around her. 

In front of her, Piper and Jason still looked chummy.

"Hey." Piper touched his arm. "You still with me?"

"Yeah... yeah, sorry." Jason let his eyes gloss over Piper's features. "You're losing the Aphrodite blessing" He blurted out. 

Camilla rolled her eyes. Oh my gods, could they get a room, please?

But he was right, Piper's makeup was fading. Her hair was slowly going back to its old choppy style with the little braids down the sides.

"It makes you look more real and more..." Jason trailed off, red dusting his cheeks.

No wonder Piper had internalized misogyny if she was surrounded by men like these. Camilla bet Jason was thinking that Piper wasn't like other girls and that she looked better without make-up. Camilla and Zethes shared a disgusted look and then she paused— did she just share a look with the enemy???

Gods, Jason was making her go insane.

He had officially given her the ick.

Piper didn't say anything, though she looked pleased at whatever Jason might have said. Seriously, she could do so much better. 

At the end of the hallway they found themselves in front of a set of oaken doors carved with a map of the world. In each corner was a man's bearded face, blowing wind. Camilla was pretty sure she'd seen maps like this before. But in this version, all the wind guys were Winter, blowing ice and snow from every corner of the world.

Havoc - Piper McLeanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon