10: Sad backstory time

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|sad backstory time| 

—Leo didn't stick around after Piper turned beautiful. Camilla watched him duck out of the amphitheater and run into the darkness. Grumbling about his idiotic tendancies, she left Piper's side as well, to track him down. 

Sure, the whole claiming thing was amazing and all—She's got makeup! It's a miracle! —but Camilla had problems to deal with. Sometimes, she really wished she could duct tape her mouth shut before she blurted something stupid. 

After the whole magic show, Camilla had stupidly called Piper beautiful and the girl had seen her staring. 


Camilla was just starting to enjoy her company. She really hoped Piper wouldn't think it was creepy and stop talking to Camilla. 

Leo was almost to the woods when he stopped in place. Camilla hadn't known him that long, a few months at best. But he was her closest friend, as sad as that was. 

"Hera," Leo muttered, "you're not even here, are you? You're in a cage somewhere."

"Talking to yourself" Camilla said aloud, making him jump and turn around to face her, "The first sign of insanity"

He broke out in a grin, his sharp features twisting in a familiar expression. He looked too serious at the campfire, it didn't feel natural. But even this smile seemed fake, like he was doing it for Camilla's sake, so she wouldn't think something was wrong. 

"After the day we've had, can you blame me for going insane?" Leo watched her walk up to him. The air was cold and it made Camilla draw her leather jacket closer to her as she shivered slightly. 

"I got a fucking glowing apple on top of my head, so no, I can't really blame you"

"Saw you staring at Piper when she got claimed" Leo fidgeted with his army jacket. "Wanna tell me what that's about?"

Camilla rolled her eyes and snorted. "She looked decent for the first time, and so what if I stared? She's still annoying and personality matters more than looks. Besides, she's straight"

"Oh, so you're interested?"

Camilla burst out laughing, just the thought of being with Piper was mad enough to make her lose her mind. Piper? of all people? Hell, even Drew was better. 

"No way" She shook her head as she slapped Leo's shoulders, "That's the most deranged, demented thing I've ever heard. Piper?"

Leo raised his eyebrows like he didn't get the joke. 

"I mean, yeah, I was like pretty sure you had a thing for Jason, but after today, I don't know, you guys seemed... chummy"

"Chummy?" Camilla raised an eyebrow. "What? I can't have friends now? And about the Jason thing— Hera gave me fake memories so it turns out, I don't like him."

"So this Jason isn't our Jason?"

"It's trippy as hell" Camilla agreed. "I mean, all those months and now we find out it was all fake"

"This wasn't fake though..." Leo hesitated, gesturing between them, "Was it?"

"Nah, I don't think even Hera could make up something as weird as us." Camilla smiled, "I mean, remember the time we sneaked in the ducks in our backpacks the whole day?"

Leo looked up, a soft smile spreading— a genuine one, as he recalled that day. "Oh yeah and then we had to get new bags because we forgot animals need to poop and pee"

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