4: Annabeth Chase is hot as fuck

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|annabeth chase is hot as fuck|

—Camilla turned Leo over. He was still unconscious. She wasn't sure how he was going to break the news.

Hey, sorry man, Dylan turned into a tornado, killed Piper and kidnapped the coach— oh and also, my crush turned suicidal and jumped into the fucking Grand Canyon!


Leo groaned. His army coat was soaked from the rain. His curly hair glittered gold from rolling around in monster dust. But at least he wasn't dead.

"Stupid... ugly... goat," he muttered. 

"Shush" Camilla fell back onto the glass, exhausted, her mind trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. "Please tell me he didn't actually save my life."

"Twice," Leo recalled. 

Camilla snorted, unable to keep her amusement to herself.

"Why are you laughing?" Leo groaned, half opening his eyes, "You're crazy, you know that?"

From somewhere behind them, came a WHOOSH sound and Camilla turned only to see Jason and Piper touch down on the glass skywalk– Superman and Lois lane style. Camilla tried not to focus on Jason's arms around Piper. holy shit, did he work out???

She blinked. "You can fly"

"Apparently" Jason shrugged. Piper ran toward Leo and Camilla.

He groaned even louder. "What happened? The tornado guy, the gold sword... I hit my head. That's it, right? I'm hallucinating?"

Jason walked over to where the golden sword was lying and picked it up. He flipped it. Midspin, the sword shrank back into a coin and landed in his palm.

"Yep," Leo said. "Definitely hallucinating."

Piper shivered in her rain-soaked clothes. "Jason, those things—"

"Venti," he said. "Storm spirits."

Camilla was starting to crave Starbucks.

"Okay. You acted like... like you'd seen them before. Who are you?" She fixed him with her best don't-fuck-with-me gaze. This Jason was very clearly not the Jason she knew only hours ago. Something was off.

He shook his head. "That's what I've been trying to tell you. I don't know."

The storm dissipated. The other kids from the Wilderness School were staring out the glass doors in horror. Security guards were working on the locks now, but they didn't seem to be having any luck.

"Coach Hedge said he had to protect four people," Jason remembered. "I think he meant us."

"What the fuck was that thing Dylan turned into...?" Camilla shuddered. "I cannot believe he was hitting on us, McLean"

Piper winced like she'd forgotten that. 

Jason stared at Camilla with concern. He crouched in front of her, reached out, holding her chin to tilt her face to the side.

Camilla tried not to blush. From up close, his blue eyes were even more striking. 

"Gods, Camilla, are you okay?"

"Uh— I thought so, but you're looking at me like I'm not so I'm gonna say no"

"Your face is, like, covered in blood, dude" Leo said, which made Camilla touch her cheek self consciously. When she looked down at her fingers, they were coated in dark red liquid.

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