6: Shiny and stabby

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|shiny and stabby|

—On the central green, a group of campers was playing basketball. They were incredible shots. Nothing bounced off the rim. Three-pointers went in automatically.

"Apollo's cabin," Annabeth explained. "Bunch of showoffs with missile weapons—arrows, basketballs."

"Hot" Camilla blurted. She tended to blurt a lot around hot people.

"They're the children of the sun god"

"Not really what I meant, Annabeth"

They walked past a central fire pit, where two guys were hacking at each other with swords.

"Real blades?" Piper noted. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"That's sort of the point," Annabeth said. "Uh, sorry. Bad pun. That's my cabin over there. Number Six." She nodded to a gray building with a carved owl over the door. Through the open doorway, Camilla could see bookshelves, weapon displays, and one of those computerized SMART Boards they have in classrooms. Two girls were drawing a map that looked like a battle diagram. It looked boring. 

"Speaking of blades," Annabeth said, "come here."

She led Piper and Camilla around the side of the cabin, to a big metal shed that looked like it was meant for gardening tools. Annabeth unlocked it, and inside were not gardening tools, unless you wanted to make war on your tomato plants. The shed was lined with all sorts of weapons—from swords to spears to clubs like Coach Hedge's.

"Every demigod needs a weapon," Annabeth said. "Hephaestus makes the best, but we have a pretty good selection, too. Athena's all about strategy—matching the right weapon to the right person. Let's see..."

Camilla loved shopping, even more so when they were looking for deadly and sharp objects. She eyed everything in the shed. 

"You're drooling over swords" Piper noticed when she looked at her. 

"They're sexy!" Camilla tried to defend herself.

Annabeth handed Piper a massive sword, which she could hardly lift.

"No," they all said at once.

Annabeth rummaged a little farther in the shed and brought out something else for Camilla.

"A shotgun?" Camilla asked.

"Mossberg 500." Annabeth checked the pump action like it was no big deal. Camilla made a show of swooning into Piper's arms. The brunette, however, let Camilla fall onto a table, making no effort to catch her. "Don't worry. It doesn't hurt humans. It's modified to shoot Celestial bronze, so it only kills monsters."

"Ow, rude" Camilla massaged her back as she made sure she wasn't poked by any weapons. She looked at the gun. "Too flashy and... how many bullets do you guys produce a year? I'd say not many since it would take a long time and they'd get used up pretty quick. Reusable weapons are better, no worry about running out"

Annabeth gave her a nod of appreciation.

She put the shotgun back and started poking through a rack of crossbows. 

"I want something sexy" Camilla told her. "Something that screams: I AM BISEXUAL AND I AM SINGLE AS FUCK"

"Not sure why you'd want to advertise the fact that you're bitchless, but to each their own, I suppose" Piper muttered. 

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