1: I don't know you

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|i don't know you|

—Even before Dylan turned into a tornado, Camilla was having a bad day.

Up until that fateful day at the Grand Canyon, Camilla Romani was a student at the Wilderness School, a boarding school for delinquents and troubled kids in Nevada.

Was she a troubled kid?

Yeah. You could say that.

You could start at any point in her short, miserable, but eventful life to prove it, but things really took a turn that December when their class took a field trip to the Grand Canyon. Thirty mentally unstable kids and one five foot tall gym teacher on a yellow school bus riding to certain doom. Sounds like torture, because it was.

Still, Camilla had hope.

She was sitting at the back, thinking about this guy in class she had been crushing on for a while, and boy did she hope he didn't have a thing going on with the girl sitting next to him.

The bus rumbled along a bumpy road. Out the windows, desert rolled by under a bright blue sky. Inside the bus, around her, her classmates were sprawled listening to Ipods like Camilla, talking or sleeping.

She couldn't focus on the song playing in her ears though. She'd spent all weekend downloading the songs she needed for this very trip, and god knows how many times she'd almost gotten caught while she snuck into the teachers' lounge to use their computers. But now that she was here on the bus, her mind kept drifting to the guy sitting behind her.

She couldn't put a finger on when exactly they had met, or even what Jason had done to get sent to the Wilderness school. All she knew was that she had an intense crush on him. And it was getting absolutely ridiculous.

Unlike her fuzzy memories of her crush, she knew more about the boy sitting next to her— Leo Valdez, resident troublemaker even in a school full of troublemakers. The two of them had bonded over their shared hatred of a teacher's clothes so they combined their brains to set the teacher's entire wardrobe on fire. And since then they'd become fast friends.

She even knew more about the girl she was jealous of than she knew about Jason. No doubt, Piper and Jason must have been holding hands. Just the thought of it made Camilla roll her eyes.

Cam knew about Piper, or rather knew Piper. Not only was she a force to be reckoned with, as Camilla saw the time Piper punched Dylan in the face for constantly asking her out and not respecting her "no", she was also allegedly sent to the Wilderness School because she stole a BMW. Despite her jealousy, Camilla admired her for that.

Should she turn around right now? Should she start a conversation? Wasn't that the whole reason she had started to hang out with her dorm mate, Piper? So she could get closer to Jason?

But then again, she wasn't the type to try and break up relationships. Technically, she wasn't even sure if the two were dating, Camilla really hoped they weren't.

"Jason" Piper spoke up for the first time since their bus left their school, "You okay?"

Her voice was like honey. Camilla had noted the first time he heard her screaming at Dylan from across the cafeteria. She was flipping the guy off as he was dragged out of the cafeteria with a bloody nose. As jealous as she was, she had to admit Piper was fucking cool. 'Girls support girls' and all that...

Where was Jason in all this? Camilla knew Leo recruited her to go fill Dylan's backpack with slime, but Jason? She couldn't remember.

In Camilla's opinion, Dylan deserved it.

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