Sports festival pt 3

Start from the beginning

I got to my class seats and everyone was congratulating me, i gave my thanks and took my seat to see the next match was iida versus the hatsumi girl. Their match was a whole advertisement for her inventions or 'babys'. I was trying not to laugh because it would be rude but a chuckle came out. Then it was mina and Aayoma's match, of course mina won and prety easily if i may add. The next match was momo and tokoyami, momo was focusing on defence too much that made it easy for dark shadow to push her out. Midoriya and ojiro were observing the matches and got most of them correct, my tail was swishing happily i mean i get to fight strong people! The next match was kirishima versus tetsutetsu, and to say the least they were basically copies of each other.

I got up and sat next to bakugo "Hey, who are you routing for?" i asked he looked at me surprisingly calm "Kirishima, of course." he said "Oh your boyfriend is a lot like the other guy right." i said trying to tease him "He is not my boyfriend!" bakugo yelled completely losing his cool. I was laughing and then said "You want him to be don't you" i saw him blush a little "Shut it brat" he said quietly i smiled then sat in the seat next to him, he wrapped his arm around me "You know i could ask him who he likes and stuff like that." Bakugo looked surprised then looked at me "You would do that?" he asked "Ya, Of course. And i wont tell him anything about you asking me to do it." Bakugo kinda side hugged me and it was cozy but didn't last long "I gotta go, it's my turn next." He got up and started walking to the lobby room.

It was bakugo's match against umaraka, bakugo wasn't going easy on her but umaraka wasn't leaving any openings at all. I was routing for bakugo but umaraka also has a good chance of winning,Many people probably thought bakugo was playing with umaraka but bakugo was honestly stuck on defence. Then the crowd started booing bakugo and i was annoyed they don't  see the big plan behind this. Monamo started explaining everything that was happening "Good you see it too, i was starting to think i was the only one." I said, the class looked at me and the guy confused then we both said at the same time "Look up" And when they did there faces were amazed and just then all the rocks fell down. "This is all a waste though, she won't win." Everyone looked at me confused or kinda angry " Don't have little faith for her because she is fighting bakugo." jiro said i looked at her "I am not saying this because i have little faith in her i'm saying this because she doesn't have a backup plan. It like what denki said earlier bakugo has fast reflexes and could have a plan to solve this. But if not umaraka can win." I said then went back to watching the match. Bakugo put his hand up and a big explosion came out of his hand, i smirk never let your guard down when it comes to bakugo.

It was the finals i was currently watching midoriya's and todoroki's match. As soon as it started todoroki sent a giant ice pillar at him, midoriya used his quirk to breack the ice but that cost him a fingers. If this kept up midoiya would be doomed, just then kirishima comes back "Oh no crap, i'm missing it" kiri said. "Hey kirishima" i said "Nice job making it to the finals kirishima." denki said "Thanks man, looks like I will take down bakugo next." kiri said "I'll kill you" bakugo retorted, i just snickered but then  bakugo side eyed me so i stopped immediately. "Ya sure, in your dreams.But seriously it's crazy how you, todoroki and kurayami have moves that blast the whole stadium, must be pretty nice" kiri said "Plus you don't have to pause between attacks." sero said "It's not as easy, if you overuse your muscle you risk tearing them apart. If you sprint to much you run out of breath." bakugo said i just nodded "You also have to train your body more, if not your quirk could cause serious damage to you." i said "They could get worn out you can't just use them none stop." bakugo says "Makes sense when you put it that wa, that's how midoriya thinks he's going to beat todoroki." 

We all go back to watching the match, midoriya use his arm to punch todoroki's ice. That costed him his whole arm, Then todoroki sends another ice pillar but midoiya uses his already broken fingers to stop the ice. MY tail starts waging furiously (LOl when it come to fighting your like neferpitou from hxh and toga when it comes to fighting) Midoriya and todoroki have a little chat and i make my ears tone in closer so i can hear what they are talking about, after the chat todoroki runs to midoriya. He's slower, is frost is holding him down. When todoroki gets to midoriya he shifts his weight but midoriya notices and puches him in the stomache. I want to fight to, come on midoriya don't lose i want to fight you too. Midoriya and todoroki come in for some close up hits, they both look worn out. Midoriya keeps on punching todoroki and tells him to use his left side, then the unexpected happens todoroki does. His flames are beautiful but so deadly at the same time. Todoroki uses his flames to end the match and midoriya charges at full speed, this a match i want the fight i want to see, if only we could kill each other that would make things way move intense. Cementos and midnight try to stop them but it was no use, the force of the fight was so strong it almost blew mineta away. After the smoke cleared up midoriya was out of bounds and looked as broken as ever.

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