Han Qingxia got into the car and closed the door. She was a little interested in replying to him this time, "Do you still think money is useful at this time?"

  The man's face suddenly became ugly.

  Now the money is useless, useless at all!

  He watched helplessly as Han Qingxia drove away in the delivery truck.

  "Husband, you see she doesn't appreciate your kindness. She doesn't pay attention to you no matter what you say. We should call the police!"

  "Idiot! Do you think the police and money are still useful now?" the man roared angrily.


  More than forty minutes later, Han Qingxia successfully rushed out of the city and drove to the suburban road.

  As she drove away from the big city, there were far fewer zombies and mutations on the road.

  The periphery seems to have not been affected yet.

  "Zi la!"

  Han Qingxia parked the car in front of his warehouse.

  "Woof woof woof!"

  Xia Tian immediately sensed Han Qingxia's arrival and called to her excitedly.

  Han Qingxia went up and rubbed its head, "Thank you for your hard work."

  Take Xia Tian, ​​plus bring a lot of goods in the warehouse.

  These are the ones Han Qingxia purchased at the farmer's market and supermarket yesterday.

  She waved her hand, and all the dense materials entered her space.

  Her space can accommodate the chickens, ducks and lambs purchased yesterday.

  Thinking of this, she tried to include summer in it.


  "Woof woof woof!"

  Can't put it in.

  When she saw this, she could probably guess that the system could only store low-IQ living creatures with food attributes, not dogs.

  Then living people definitely can't do it either.

  Han Qingxia was not disappointed. Originally, it would be best to have this function, but it would be okay if it didn't.

  Because she always feels that her own strength is the real strength.

  Big plug-ins like the system cannot be relied on too much.

  You can only use strength to strengthen yourself and make this power your own.

  Otherwise, if the system disappears or an accident occurs, it will be doomed.

  After Han Qingxia swept away all the supplies in the warehouse, he closed the door and left with Xia Tian.

  Go straight to her bomb shelter!

  Return to the doomsday shelter she built!


  after an hour.

  Han Qingxia collapsed on the super soft cloud sofa that she bought from the mall, opened a bottle of Coke, used the microwave to heat up the steak, fresh shrimps and other delicacies that she had brought yesterday from the Michelin restaurant, and watched the present with Xia Tian and the dog in front of the large TV. news.

  "Emergency report, emergency report!"

  "There was a lot of bloodshed and injuries this morning. Please follow our reporters to the scene to understand the situation."

  During an off-site interview for live news, a reporter followed the camera into an area cordoned off.

  in his picture.

  Chapter 12 The whole country fell

  Surprisingly, it was near the hotel where Han Qingxia fled this morning.

  A large cordon was put up on the bar street.

  Within the cordon, the police were using dispersal weapons such as smoke bombs to desperately disperse the surrounding crowds and suppress the riot, but with little success.

  In the thick smoke, there were moving heads and screams from time to time.

  The surrounding vehicles rolled over and were smashed. Vehicles like 120 were trapped in the center, and the medical staff didn't know where they were!

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