I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed so hard I know she could of heard me.

I felt like shit. My brother is in pain. Well, I don't think we are brothers, one of us is Bellatrix son!!
I haven't told him about that, I've been freaking out!
Of course I won't tell him now either. He will have a fucking panic attack if he knew. That's why I'll wait until he feel better.

For now, I'll go with Sirena. She is not that bad. She is in fact a nice girl, very caring and smart. Sadly her mother doesn't appreciate her.
She has told me about the abuse she receives from her mom. I didn't felt sad at all, I didn't care. But I'm a good liar.

My act had to continue until I get the perfect time to brake up with her. I didn't fucking like her to begin with.


I got out of the cold shower. I've been taking so many cold showers since Cherry and I haven't had any contact.
I felt like is becoming way too much, I can get a fever by how many cold showers I've been taking.

I know what I have to do. I need to feed my needs.

I'm human, and I wouldn't like to use a girl, because girl are like diamonds they need to be treated with appreciation.

But at this moment, I feel like I need to find a girl just for one night. I won't choose Cherry because I need to let her go. So I'll find someone else.
This is making me anxious, I've never done this before.

How do I approach a girl and ask her to be intimate with me and then leave the next morning?

That's just cruel!

I can't do it.
But I need it
I need a girl.

I got dressed to go out. I will do it. I will have a one night stand. I'm young I need to have normal teenage experiences. Even if they are not correct.

I walked out my dorm and walked around the castle. Looking for a girl. Why am I doing this!?

Then I see Danny, or Chubby Danny as many around Hogwarts called her. I've heard that girls who are insecure about themselves are the easiest to approach. I should see if that's true.

I walked towards her, it seems she was reading a science book. A muggle book.
"Hey" I say sitting next to her. She frowns and looks around seeing if there is someone else around. She points at herself
"Me?" She asked in confusion
"Yeah you" i asked smiling at her. She stayed in silence. This was becoming awkward
"Umm... I like your glasses" I say in my the best way of flirting. I'm not a flirty guy, and right now I feel stupid.
"Thank you?... do I know you?"she asked.
"No I don't think so.. I don't know many hufflepuffs... umm look I can't flirt, so I'll just be honest with you, okay?" She frowns even more confused and listen.

"Okay" she says
"You know we all have needs, and I've been wanting to have.. to be intimate with someone, and I saw you, and I thought you would be a great choice.. wait! No a choice because you are not an object! But I thought you would of accept my proposal to be intimate with me just for one night"  I blurred out at fast pace. But she understood.
"Okay who send you? Did Rosier send you? How much did he payed you?" She asked me in a defensive tone. I frown
"No! No one send me."
"So YOU, want to have coitus with me?" She says.
I smiled at the way she referred to sex, it was the correct way, I remembered Cherry used to say that was weird.
"Umm yes.. why?"

She stood up and then she did a full spin, then faced me. I was so confused
"What?" I say. She groaned in frustration
"I'm fat.god! Everyone calls me Chubby Danny for a reason" she says then she sits back down.
"I don't mind" I say, I was being honest. I don't mind if she doesn't have a super model body. And not because I'm desperate, but because she is still a woman.
"You seem like a good person" I say, when I noticed she stayed quiet.
"You know what... sure, I'll do it... I need to have normal teenage experiences. So Tonight?"
She says convinces of her answer.

I smiled
"Yeah. Sure... I'll pick you up.... Hufflepuff common Room?" I say in the nicest way possible.
"Yes" she says.
Then silence. This times it was awkward. So I stood up and say
"See you tonight?"
"Sure" she says to then go back to her book.
I gave her a nod and walked away.
Suddenly I stop in my tracks and turn to her
"I'm Judah Snape. It was nice meeting you"
She looks up from her book and smiled
"I'm Daniella Peters, it was nice talking to you"
I smiled to her , then I walked away with a smile on my face. I did it. I have a normal teenager experience. I'm going to have a one night stand tonight.

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