Chapter 18

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Movement, light, moving, grunt, a voice.

"Oh shit!"

That voice makes me wake up immediately. I sat up in my bed and looked around. When I look towards the door I see Tom with two plates with food in one hand one glass of juice in the other hand, and one book balanced on his head. He looked at me and smiled.
"Sorry I woke you up... this was supposed to be a surprise." He says balancing the book on his head. He comes inside my dorm and closes the door behind him with his foot.
He walks towards the bed and puts the plates on my nightstand then the juice. He finally grabbed the book in his hand and looked at me smiling.

"I brought you breakfast," he says so casually. He was breathing heavily maybe because he had to walk all the way here trying to balance a book on his head. I began to laugh.
"Tom! You are crazy!" I said then pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back immediately and laughed. That's the sound I like to hear. Each time he laughs makes me feel like I'm floating.
"I didn't want to wake you up... and so I thought I could bring you breakfast, while you get ready for class" I pulled away and kissed his cheek because of morning breath.

I stand up from my bed and walk towards my closet to grab my uniform then I grab a plate of food. One plate has Waffles and some eggs while the other one has cupcakes and ice cream that doesn't melt. I began eating and I looked at Tom. He was reading in my bed he was in his uniform already, his hair was well-styled and he smelled good.

"What about your food?" I say with my mouth full. He looked at me and smiled
"I already had breakfast," he says then goes back to his reading. He was blushing but he had a serious face. I continued eating and once I was done I took a shower and began to get ready.
All the time I was getting ready Tom was either looking at me or reading. Or saying things like
'You smell good' or 'nice legs' or 'What if we skip class?' Those comments made me blush but I didn't let him see it.

"I'm ready, "I say. Tom stood up from my bed and grabbed my bag putting it on his shoulder. He grabs my hand and then we both walk out of my dorm.
"You take so long to get ready," he says while we are walking down the stairs of our common room.
"Well, you want me to look pretty don't you?" I say in a playful tone.
"I like you... and I have seen you sleep, believe me That wasn't pretty, you shouldn't worry anymore about that" he says chuckling. I smacked his arm playfully and we both laughed.

We were walking down the halls towards our class. The guilt inside me vanished completely. I just know that the time I spend with Tom is the best thing. Mattheo can stop with all of his flirting since I won't even look his way anymore. That kiss we shared was the last kiss between us. Tom and I look perfect together. Some students looked at our way confused. But when someone looked at me Tom would glare at them.
Tom's behavior changes with me but I wouldn't say he has changed with other people, If someone gets too close to him he will treat them like they are inferior. But not me, I am his only equal.

We reached our class. Tom and I sat in the front row of the class next to each other, his bag was already in his seat. (Perhaps he left it here before coming to my dorm) While we waited for the class to begin, a group of students came inside singing loudly.

"I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour!"
"But heaven knows I'm miserable now!"
I turned around and then I saw them laughing, They all sat in the back corner. Then I see Mattheo laughing while smoking a cigarette.

"Oi give me one mate!" Says who I think is Thiago Berkshire. Son of the famous Lorenzo Berkshire. Mattheo laughed and gave him a cigarette, Thiago smiled and started to smoke. Scorpius started to get ready for class while Natasha Nott was painting her nails black. Suddenly all of their eyes are on me. I turn around quickly. But I heard Natasha say
"We have a stalker over there!"

After that students began to arrive at class.
"Ignore them," Tom says reading his book.
"Do you know them?" He nodded then he looked at me.
"Mattheo's group of friends ... they are annoying if you ask me, but Thiago it's the worst... The Berkshire genes are very noticeable."

Class started so I focused on the lecture. Until a piece of paper hit the back of my head. Tom didn't like this so he stood up and threw the paper back to Scorpius, it hit him Right in the eye.
"My eye! My eye!" He yelled dramatically. Tom sat back down like nothing had happened. I can only hear Mattheo and Thiago laughing. The Professor sends Thiago to the hospital wing and doesn't even bother to say something to Tom.
"Why would you do that!" I whispered to him
"He throws you a paper ball and you want me to do nothing?" He says to me
"Well, you hurt him," I say
"He is being dramatic, just like his father" I rolled my eyes and continued with my work.

The class was finally over Tom and I walked out of the class. We're holding hands, in our world.
But then someone comes running between us almost making us fall.
"Hey!" I yelled
"Sorry Cherry!" Thiago laughs mockingly while raising his hands in surrender.
"Berkshire! You should stop bothering them... the power of love Can hurt you!" Natasha laughed. Tom clenched his jaw and fist. Tom walks towards Mattheo.

"Tell your group of assholes to leave us alone." He says glaring at Mattheo. Mattheo just looks at Tom and then he turns off his cigarette.
"I'm not their boss... Brother" Mattheo says glaring at Tom. The way he says brother sends goosebumps all over my body and not in a pleasurable way.
Tom looked back at me and grabbed my hand pulling me away. His grip on my hand was so strong it was hurting me.

"See you at home Brother!" Mattheo yells and then he starts to laugh like a maniac. Tom yelled back
"Fuck off!" He started to walk faster.
"Where are we going? Our next class is that way!" I say. Tom clenched his jaw and pulled me closer to him while still walking at a fast pace.
"I'm going to fuck you in my dorm," he says full of anger. Suddenly the pain I was feeling in my hand disappeared.
"Your dorm?" I asked smiling. I've never been in his dorm before.
"Yes... in my bed... and my brother's bed"

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