Chapter 1

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Some people do bad things for the wrong reason and some people do bad things for the right reason. For example, if a person kills another person because of rage, anger, jealousy, or revenge, that's just bad. But if a person kills another person because they felt like defending their loved ones or even saving their life from danger, then that's a good type of bad.

      From my personal experience, my parents shouldn't be at Azkaban.

"180 years to Azkaban!"  Says the judge.

   My parents are the good type of bad. I know they did bad things but they did it for me. They sell drugs to many wizards. They even had their creation of a Heroine. It was stronger than the regular resulting in more people getting addicted to it. I never knew why was it more addictive than regular drugs. My parents were not the type to share that type of Information with me. All I knew was that It was so popular that even powerful wizards bought it. And I have a list of  last names:

• Nott.

Even THE DARK LORD bought some for himself. (That's what I've heard of) This business helped my parents for a long time making them "The couple of the Exnis". That's how they called their creation 'Exnis'. During that time They made me have a life full of luxury, I had everything I wanted, everything I ever wished for. Not only I had a luxurious life but I also had perfect parents. They had their own workers who obeyed them all the time. Everything my mother said was a wish come true. Even if it meant killing.

Now look at them being sentenced to 180 years at Azkaban. With zero power in their hands.

"We'll come for you love! Don't worry!" Mother said while being dragged away from the court
"We love you remember that!" Father said his basing dragged away as well.

  After that, the door closed behind them making me the only child in the room. My parent's lawyer says.
  "What about the girl?"
Silence took over the room while the judge made his decision.
  "She'll be sent to an orphanage until she is of age to attend Hogwarts"

At that time I didn't feel much sadness, because as any other 8-year-old, I had hope. I had hoped that my loving parents would come at any moment and bring me back to our manor located up in the mountains. I had hoped that my dad would bring me toys like he always did. I had hoped that Mom would teach me how to create potions correctly. That never happened of course. It was a silly dream.

My reality was that  I was sent to an orphanage called 'Orphanage for Magical Orphans'.
  There is where I learned to have a bad diet because some days they wouldn't even give me food, I learned to defend myself when kids pick on me, I learned to stay quiet when the guards came to my room at night, and the best of all I learned to build character. 

  When I was thirteen I got to attend Hogwarts as promised. I got into Slytherin something I did expect since well I wasn't brave enough to be a Gryffindor or smart enough to be a Ravenclaw or whatever Hufflepuffs are.

I met people like Julius Avery who was very kind the first time I met him. Until he started hanging out with The Riddles. Then I was all alone.  When I got to my 5th year I met this great Sirena Umbridge who's very kind and fun to hang out with.....

"Manson.Manson?. MANSON!!" The voice of the Professor takes me away from my thoughts.
"Umm yes?" I asked clueless. I heard people chuckle at me and in the corner of my eye I saw Mattheo Riddle rolling his eyes.
"Did you pay attention to the class?" The woman said. I mean it was obvious I wasn't paying attention.
"Well, I-."
"No more zoning out in my class Ms. Manson. I say we are working in pairs for this project that is due in a month and you're working with Riddle. I asked you if that was okay with you"
I slightly rolled my eyes and looked at Mattheo He wasn't looking at me he was sleeping on his desk.
"Can I choose a more active partner?"
The woman glares at me and with an attitude she says.
"No!... now I want all of you to get this project ready now the class is dismissed!"

The students stood up from their desks. I focused on Mattheo and noticed he was still sleeping.
I go to him my bad in my shoulder and I shake him.
"Wake up you sleepy Beauty"
He slowly opens his eyes and yawns
"I did it again?" He asked with a raspy voice. He stands up and gathers his stuff.
"Yes, you should stop sleeping in class"
"And you should stop daydreaming"

It was typical for Mattheo to sleep during class time, for some reason he wasn't the most active student.

We both walked out of the class and walked towards our place outside the castle in the Forbidden Forest. We walked in silence like we always did. He was a friend. He wasn't a public friend since we only hung out when no one saw us. I was used to going out undercover, I did feel like a true friend since I believed that I knew more about Mattheo than anyone else. I know for a fact that Mattheo knows me more than I know myself.
    Mattheo and I met during the second year. We were two kids who had been in a fight and ended up in the hospital wing.

"Broken nose?" I say looking at the boy
"Yep. broken lip?"
and since then we started to hang out.

The smell of weed brings me back to reality and I look at Mattheo lying in the grass, one arm behind his head. He looks at me and smiles softly.
"Here, you need this," he says handing me the joint which I gladly took. I feel myself relaxing, I close my eyes feeling the air hit my face softly.
"You know sometimes I wonder How would it feel to be a tree" Mattheo's voice sounded making me look at him. 
"Shut up you're high" I handed him the joint. He chuckles.
"I'm not high" I rolled my eyes and lay next to him crossing my legs and putting my hands on my stomach.  I look up at the sky
"Why a tree?" I asked
"I don't know they seem happy and in peace. And they held so many secrets" I let out a small laugh.
"Okay," I say.

"I dont feel like doing that stupid project" Mattheo says sitting up.
"We have to do it... it's not a choice"
"Its not like we have people to care"
"Stop that Mattheo... you and your tragic story of the son of Voldemort"he chuckled. Mattheo had told me about his life. He didn't have that tragic life as many people think he did. Since Voldemort died before he was born. He never had the chance to even know his real father. I believe that's a good thing. He thinks otherwise.

"A father, I never had that.., I know what my dad did but I believe he had his reasons. He wanted to change the world. But many others didn't allow him. If he was still alive I bet he would be the best... he could teach me a lot of things"
He was high when he said that one night in the room of requirements. But deep down I know he meant it.

We spent ten more minutes there before we went back to the castle and went to the great hall.
"I'm going with Tom see you tomorrow?"
I smiled at him
"Yeah sure, good luck with your brother," I say
He walks and yelled
"I don't need luck! I am the luck!" He was still high and that made me laugh.

I went to take a sit next to Sirena
"Hello, who was that!?" I look at her
"Who Mattheo?" She nodded quickly
"Well  he is my friend" Sirena looked at him
"I knew you hung out with someone after class but never knew exactly who... is he... is he with someone?" 
I love Sirena But she likes everything that's breathing. And the worst thing is that she believes in love.
"No, I don't think so"
She smiled widely
"You don't mind right?" I laughed as if I were to like Mattheo. Never in a million years.
"No, I don't!" She nodded and we started eating.

I was in my little world when I felt this feeling of someone staring at me when I looked up I saw Tom looking at me. I frowned and mouthed to him.

"What?" He didn't look bothered and mouthed back.
"Shut him up," he says head moving to Mattheo's direction who was talking and laughing with Thiago Berkshire. I chuckle and continue eating.

Tom Riddle, it's a different story. A whole different story. More like a more mature story.
A very very mature one.

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