Chapter 58

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I was walking upstairs and in my mind was only Mattheo, he is leaving today so if he wanted to see me it must be important. But why in a girls bathroom? That's just a weird meeting place.
   Once I got in front of the door of the  empty Bathroom I heard a voice of a girl, so highly pitched.
"Ohh no, you can't go there, there was monster."
"What kind of monster?" That's Mattheo's voice I got closer to the door trying to hear clearly.
"I can't say much, I don't remember... but you seem familiar" she says.
"I'm Mattheo Riddle"
"Ohh Riddle!"
"Wait!" At that moment I go inside the restroom just to see Mattheo talking to the air.

"Are you high?" I asked looking around
"Myrtle ... she was with me, but she left" he says now looking at me.
"Who's that?" I say in confusion
"A ghost.. but that doesn't matter... you came"
"I had no choice" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest. He got closer to me
"You had a choice, you just wanted to see me"
I was about to make a snarky comment but Mattheo turned around and then spoke in a unfamiliar language.

Suddenly the sink started to reveal an entrance. I look at Mattheo he looks at me with a proud smile.
"What's this?" I asked getting closer to the entrance looking down that deep and dark hole on the floor.
"The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets" he says I quickly look at him in surprise.
"You found it? When? How? Why? I.. oh lord , Mattheo this is big."
"I know it is , that's why I needed you here, you're gonna make sure no one comes near here while I'm gone and by no one I mean.."
"Tom" I say , Mattheo nodded then I proceed to say
"Have you Been inside the chamber?"
"Not yet, I wanted you by my side."

I felt my stomach tighten at that sentence, he wanted me by his side. I wonder why Tom never could be this nice to me.
"Okay... but how are we getting there?" I asked looking at the deep hole.
"I guess we'll jump?" He says
"Jump? Are you insane? What if it's way to deep for us?"
"Then we'll die" he said sure of himself, at that moment Mattheo hold me close by my waist until we were chest to chest and jumped into the entrance.

I closed my eyes, it was a long fall I only heard Mattheo laughing until we collided with the floor. Then we slowly stood up from the floor noticing bones all over the floor.
"Are you okay?" Mattheo asked me
"Yeah, we could of used a spell you know? To stop us from falling hard" Mattheo chuckled
"I wanted the full experience... now come on"

Mattheo began walking down the humid and dark place. I of course followed him, I wasn't scared of being here on the contrary I felt safe.
As I see Mattheo walking in front of me, acting like a true leader, it was something else.
After a few minutes we reached a circular door with snakes figures.

"Do you know how to open it?" I asked when I noticed that Mattheo couldn't open the door, as if it was any other door. He was trying to force the door open.
"I- fuck I can't Cherry" he says sitting on the floor taking a small rest.
"Then how did Salazar and your father got in there?" I asked. Then suddenly Mattheo stood up again. He observed the door once again noticing the snakes that decorated that door.
"Snakes... umm, snake language, yess that's it."
" I think you know parseltongue, you did it a few minutes ago"
"No I didn't, I only said open" He says angrily staring at the door.
"Try to say something" I say looking at Mattheo. And slightly rolled my eyes at his stupidity
"I don't know, but it must be on your blood, you're a Riddle after all." He nodded at what I said and stepped back from the door.

He closed his eyes trying to focus, trying to find his true hidden talent once gain, I noticed the way he tried to steady his breathing. Then he slowly started to speak, he said something I couldn't understand. It was like a whisper, but it worked. The door opened seconds after Mattheo spoke. He smiled widely and I did too.

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