Chapter 38

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I woke up early in the morning for my daily routine. I take a cold shower, get breakfast, read, and then I go to see Cherry. But this morning was different. I got notify Headmistress McGonagall wanted to see me it's something related to my classes.
I got worried since my grades were perfect. Since my first year, I always kept the same perfect and outstanding grades.

Now I'm standing in front of her desk waiting for her to arrive. She said she wanted to see me after breakfast but I couldn't wait so I arrived earlier.
I heard her footsteps behind me so I turned around and gave her a respectful smile.

"Good morning Mr. Riddle... I take you were anxious to see me" she says taking a sit in her big chair. I try not to look nervous putting my hands behind my back and having a confident posture.
"I couldn't wait after breakfast to get the news... am I in trouble?" I asked
"No trouble Mr.Riddle... I do have good news for you." She says signaling me to sit, I do and pay close attention to the words of this wise woman.
"As you may know, you have a perfect score in all of your classes, you never had detention and you've never been involved in negative behaviors.. and for that, I decided to praise you making you the new Head boy for your house." My eyes widened in surprise, I shifted in my seat trying to release that rush of adrenaline running through my veins.

"I'm in my sixth year...I'm aware only seventh years are allowed to take such a big and important position"
"I know how the rules work Tom...but since you were qualified to be the head boy next year, I thought perhaps give you the opportunity now...but if you do not do well in the time that is left of this year, then I'm afraid next year you won't be a Head boy," McGonagall says to me with a smile but serious face.
"Is this like a test?"
"Definitely...I'm sure you'll do great, congratulations, now you may go" she says handing me a small head boy pin, I look at her and give her a small nod. I stand up from my seat and leave her office.

I looked around the hall when I noticed there wasn't a single soul around. I jumped in excitement and yell
"Yes" to take out some of my positive energy. My hands were slightly shaking but I managed to put on the pin. I wanted to run 8 miles because of how excited I was.

Then the only person I wanted to see came to my mind. Cherry, I need to tell her this exciting news.
I started to walk towards the common room.
It was a long walk, but it didn't feel long since I had so much excitement in me.
When I finally reached her dorm, I knocked on her door. She didn't reply.
I knock again.
No reply
No reply.

I let out a shaky breath of disappointment, but then I thought she might be in the great hall eating breakfast.

So I go out of the common this time I run towards the great hall.
When I finally reach the great hall I start looking for her.
She isn't here either.

Again I feel disappointed. Where is she when I need her?

I go out of the great hall this time with less excitement than before. Somehow all my appetite disappeared as well.
I walked around the castle alone.
Until I saw Nila, she was sitting on the floor drawing in her notebook.
Since I had no one else I decided to tell her the news.

I walked towards her and she looked up at me, something in her eyes showed fear. Fear of me?
That can't be possible. Did I do something wrong?
I ignored my questions and said.
"Hello," I smiled at her but she did not reciprocate. She only stood up holding her notebook tightly to her chest.
"Hello," she says looking around, I frown at her weird behavior.
"Are you alright?" I asked looking around as well.
"I'm alright... oh Merlin!! Is that the head boy pin?!" She says looking at my pin excitedly. I frown but then smile when I see her reaction.

"Got it this morning... McGonagall said I was qualified, if I do a good job the remainder of this year I can keep my.." I feel two small and delicate arms around me, I look down and see Nila hugging me tightly, she has her head on my chest. I smiled and hugged her back.
Then there we stood hugging in the middle of what I thought was an empty hall.

After a few seconds, I hear someone clearing their throat. Nila and I pulled away then I saw Cherry.
She was glaring at Nila, it was as if Cherry wanted to murder her right there and then.
"Am I interrupting something?" Cherry says Nila looks down at the floor and I look at Cherry, I start to approach her but she steps back glaring at me as well.
"I was looking for you," I say ignoring her question.
"I was in the library, I needed to return some books," she says in a painfully serious voice. I looked back at Nila, she was still looking down at the floor.
"Nila... you should go," I say, she nods quickly and runs away from this tense situation.

I looked back at Cherry but she was also walking away from me.
"Hey!" I say stopping her by grabbing her by her arm, she pushes my hand away.
"What?" I smiled at her, and she only looked at me confused. I was expecting her to see my head boy pin, I was expecting her to notice that small detail. I was expecting her to forget what she saw( which was a stupid hug) and congratulate me.

She only frowned and said
"Stop smiling at me like a fucking idiot" My chest tightened, I felt my insides burn in pain.
"Sorry, I.."
"You were hugging another girl, and you forgot about me! Your girlfriend!" She says glaring at me. I Shake my head
"No, no, no, I was being congratulated for my achievement... see, I'm a head boy," I say showing her my pin. She looks at it then looks at me.
"What does that have anything to do with the fact that you hugged another girl... you are not allowed to hug another girl under any circumstances" Again I feel disappointed. But this time I also felt angry.

"This is important to me! Why can't you congratulate me!?" then I felt a pain in my left cheek, and she slapped me.
I look down at her confused. She pointed at me with her finger
"You do not raise your voice at me, and you are not allowed to be near Nila... understood?"
I glared at her, I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to choke her until her lifeless body was beneath me. I wanted to punch her multiple times until her face was bleeding. I wanted her to choke with her blood. But instead, I say.
" won't happen again" I don't know what got me to say this. Perhaps it was my true love for her.

I love her.

She had all the right to be mad, I shouldn't have hugged Nila. I should have kept on looking for Cherry. I did wrong and Cherry is right.

She looked at me and slightly smiled. She softly grabbed my face and pulled me closer. She kissed me. Everything changed when I felt her lips on mine. I forgot about everything negative and only focused on her.
The taste of her lips against mine is something I'll never get tired of.
She pulled away slightly and smiled at me.
"Congratulations Tom"

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