i wait for a response, receiving a raised brow. "okay, and?"

"i thought you were there cause like remember, you went to the doctor without telling me and i had to find out through marcus"

"finn, just get to the point"

"sadies shoes were there... and..."

the anxiety in faye seems to slowly build up as she fiddles with her hands.

"im sorry, i don't know if this is for sure... but i heard some... noises come from her room, it could be anything... but it did sound like..."

i can tell that she's trying all she can to remain calm, fiddling with her hands in a panicked manner as she releases shorter breaths.

"i know i should have told you sooner but i was just so confused, it makes no sense... im sorry faye..."

her breathing gets faster, my eyes trail down to her hands, noticing she was trying to refrain them from shaking.

i extend out my arms, more as a question. her answer seems to be a no as she rushes out of the chair and up the stairway. upon hearing the door slam, i emit an exhausted exhale, placing my head into my palms.

( FAYE )

as soon as the door shuts, there's nothing i can do but fall down onto my bed and emerge into tears. i cover my mouth with my hands, suppressing the sobs.

it's been ages since i've last shed tears like this. it's one of those things where you cry so much that you physically can't anymore.

as the tears keep flowing, my vision becomes entirely blurry, leaving me unable to see anything but circles.

my eyes shut close as the heavy feeling in my chest increases, making me feel worse. my sobs get louder, bringing me to clutch my mouth with both of my hands.

i couldn't bring myself to think straight, my mind was running through a field of emotions with words being scattered all over the place.

my eyes trail over to the journal sitting on my pillow before i snatch it, my grip around it intensifying as I scrawl down anything I can. my penmanship is atrocious due to the cloudy state of my vision.

this is unfair. it's so fucking unfair. it's unfair, it's ridiculous and it makes no sense. who does she think she is? she laid all that blame on me for seemingly being attracted to sadie, then she turned around and fucked her? makes no sense.

6 years we've been together. six. how could you just throw away 6 years like that?

the day prior to finn witnessing that, she uttered her bullshit insincere "apology" to me and we shared what i thought would mend our spiraling issues. but, no, her mind bore other plans.

that moment felt authentic. it's like she handed me everything i've ever needed just to immediately take it all away.

but i can't only be mad at rory.


i could have anticipated something as bizarre as this from rory, not this exactly, but something along these lines would have made sense, considering the fact she's always smooching other people as a 'joke'

but sadie?

how could i be so stupid to assume she actually wanted to be my friend. no, she was just there for rory. it was all about her from the start.

she didn't wanna be my friend, or even rorys friend. she just wanted to get into her pants.

it must be my fault for not noticing, for letting myself believe rory wouldn't do something like this. i know she isn't worth trusting, yet i stay. it's my fault for staying, for enduring it.

my head begins to spin before dropping down onto my palms. i observe the rising temperature. i'm coming down with a fever, fantastic.

the sobbing eventually comes to a halt, leaving me with tears silently streaming down my face accompanied by an excruciating migraine.

its amusing how mental anguish can provoke physical discomfort, causing my head to whirl and my throat to feel like a sand deposit.

the pain within my head is unbearable, yet i have no choice but to tolerate it. there's nothing left to do. i can't sleep like this, i can't watch a comfort show to take my mind off of it.

i could go talk to finn, but the current condition of my throat would make that far too complex.

i'm really not sure how to deal with this. life just smacks you when you least expect it.

it's like life will punch you in the face, spit on you, stomp on your skull, kick you in the groin and then tell you to stay with it.

★ authors note ,,

oh schnapp.

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