Chapter 22 - Ban's Journey

Start from the beginning

Melik and Cisca flew past him, Ende following after but stopping, her back to King. "That day, the forest came so close to vanishing completely. But then, thanks to the man Lady Elaine entrusted the Great Tree's seed to, this forest was revived and resurrected!" She flew down to where Cisca and Melik were.

"Come on now. All I did was plant the seed. It's no big deal." Ban said.

"Glad you're back home, glorious Fairy King Ban!" The three fairies said in unison.

"Wait a minute. Ban's the Fairy King?" Jericho asked as more fairies crowded around him. She looked up to King, seeing that he was still in the air. "And they called King a traitor."

"King, let's go." Ban called to him.

He exited his trance and the three continued walking through the Great Tree, stopping once they reached a certain point. Looking at the girl with the white dress and golden-yellow hair that laid in the petals of flowers, it seemed as though she was in a long sleep, not...dead. King's eyes lingered across her body before landing on her face before closing his eyes and flying away. He couldn't bear it; he couldn't bear to see her face, not after all this time.

Ban walked toward the lifeless girl, brushing her hair out of her face. "Elaine. Just wait. No matter what it takes...I'm gonna find a way to bring you back to life."

"Fairy King! Is there anything the rest of us can do to help you at all?" A fairy wearing a blue hat asked.

"We'll do anything for you." Another fairy added.

"Well in that case, stop calling me 'Fairy King' for starters." He told them. "Everyone of you knows my friend's your real boss."

"I refuse!" A fairy yelled.

"Me, too! The one who abandoned the forest and Lady Elaine isn't fit to be king!" An old fairy added.

"Is that so? Then as someone who is willing to kill his only friend in a foolish effort to bring one woman back to life... How am I fit to be king?"


"Big Sister Ellie! These guys just told me that they're setting off on a journey!" Veronica told her two sisters who were walking through a doorway.

"Yes, I know." Margaret responded.

"No way! Really?" She turned toward her two sisters.

"Princess Veronica, I know I should've told you first...but I couldn't bring myself to." Griamore explained. "Dear Father, I will avenge you. I'll do it no matter what it takes! And I swear, I will return to your side, Princess Veronica!"

Veronica held her head down, letting her emotions show a bit before composing herself and turning back toward the three males. "Okay, fine, then. Howzer! Gilthunder! I'm counting on you to babysit Griamore!" From this, Griamore's calm face turned into a shocked expression as Howzer started to laugh and Gilthunder smiled, promising to do so.

Griamore and Gilthunder said good-bye to their loved ones, while Howzer waited for them since he didn't have a significant other. The three soon mounted their horses and rode off, Margaret, Veronica, and Elizabeth waving them off.

"Hey, Ellie? Are things settled for you yet?" Veronica asked.

Elizabeth thought about it for a moment before heading off, but not before changing.

At the Tavern

You were sitting at a table, playing with your hair as you stared off into space, the sound of water running and scrubbing being your only tie to reality as Meliodas washed the cups.

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