Chapter 21 - A Bad Omen

Start from the beginning

"That's odd, since I only remember giving you one." Merlin thought. "I wonder?"

"So, what's with all the commotion out here?" Ban asked, exiting the tavern tiredly.

"Ban's wearing his new costume!" Diane thought, but once she got a better look, she got furious. "Wait, no, he's not! Ban, where is it? What happened to your new outfit?"

"Outfit?? Huh?" Ban asked, confused. "Wait! You mean that thing hanging in my room?"

"King and I spent a lot of time picking out those clothes just for you, you jerk!" Diane yelled, tears of frustration coming out of her eyes. "Come on!"

"All right, all right. I'll put them on later." He calmed her down. "As long as they're cool 'cause they're staying right where they are if they're ugly."

"All right, everybody! The ceremony's tomorrow, so in the meantime, let's celebrate." Meliodas announced.

Morning soon turned into night as drinks and chatter surrounded the tables and bar.

"Hey there, Captain! Got a minute or two?" You heard Ban ask.

"Hmm? What's up?" Meliodas queries.

"Just follow me, okay?" Ban told him.

You watched the two of them exit the tavern, concern and curiosity stricken on your face.

"Y/N?" You heard Elizabeth call.

"Hm?" You focused back on the conversation.

"What is your world like?"

"Oh,'s not really that cool, at least not as cool as here." You said.

"Do you have different kinds of communication there?" Diane asked.

You started to explain things, answering their questions as you explained.

The night was getting longer and you started to get tired. "Yeah, and if you went" Your head started to drift and your words faded as your eyes closed before you finally fell asleep.

Early Morning

"So long, Captain. Bye, Master. We'll meet again, Y/N."

"Hey, Ban. Leaving without saying anything?" King appeared in front of him.

He stayed quiet.

"So you're not even gonna talk to me now?" He started walking past the floating boy. "I kinda overheard what you said to the captain yesterday. And I have a pretty good idea about what happened between you and Elaine. To be honest, I'm really touched that you feel so strongly about my sister. But she's dead now. And the Fairy King's Forest that she protected for so long was burned to the ground. Knowing that, where do you think you're going?"

Ban stopped and finally spoke. "The Fairy King's Forest."


You and the Sins were lined up in front of His Majesty, Elizabeth, and the citizens and Holy Knights of Liones for the ceremony. You were quite nervous as you fidgeted with your dress a little.

"Hawk, try to show a little more decorum in front of His Majesty, would you?" Merlin told the pig who was chomping down on scraps.

"Whatever! This is who I am, okay?" He told her, mouth full of scraps.

"Guess he's back to his original size." Meliodas noticed.

You laughed a little, making your nerves go away and relax.

"So have Ban and King chosen not to attend?" Gowther asked.

"Where are they?" You asked, not seeing them near.

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