Season 2 Chapter 2: Trick or Treating gets Freaky

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Zero smiles as he then remembers Will.

Zero: (whispering) Will! I need to go and check on him, see if he is doing okay.

Before Zero gets ready to see Will he then remembers what happened to Barbara and El's description, as well as when he saw Will get rescued in the Upside Down.

Zero: (whispering) The nests!!! They're still out there! I need to go and destroy them before it's too late.

Before he can leave, he hears the agents still talking to El.

Agent: If he contacts you, you must tell us. Otherwise, you would be putting yourself and all those you are close with in danger. Do you understand Jane?

Jane scoffs as she looks out the window and sees a silhouette. 'Zero?'

Zero notices this and runs away into the woods as he quickly makes a single-entry gate and hops in it.

By the time the gate disappears the Agents approach and see nothing.


We cut to the present where Hopper is currently cooking breakfast ready for work. He then hears the sound of the door opening as Zero walks in looking sweaty in nothing but a tank top and some shorts.

Hopper: Finished your morning workout?

Zero: Yep. *sniffs air* What are you making.

Hopper: Breakfast.

Zero: Yeah, I know but what kind of food is it.

Hopper: Breakfast food.

Zero: Man, it's already morning and I'm already getting the Hopper sass. Normally that's when you get home or in the middle of the day.

Hopper: Don't you sass me.

Zero: You did it first.

Hopper: Just shut up and eat your breakfast.

Zero sighs as he walks over to the table and begins eating.

Hopper: So, when you showered last night, did you get into the tub?

Zero: No.

Hopper: You really need to learn bathe like a normal person.

Zero: Hopper, you try having to use the bathroom in a mirror dimension filled with killer creatures that are trying to kill you every day "like a normal person" for 4 years.

Hopper: I know, but you should know that nothing is gonna jump out at you.

Zero: Give me some time Hopper, I mean I just got back to using the toilet last month.

Hopper: Well, this is a disgusting talk, lets change the subject.

Zero: Sure, can I go trick or treating tonight?

Hopper then nearly chokes on his food as he coughs and grabs a drink to help as he looks at Zero questionably after.

Hopper: What?

Zero: Trick or treating. It is Halloween today, right?

Hopper: Well yeah, it's today but you know you can't.

Zero: If I have a costume on then they won't see me.

Hopper: But there could be a chance that they do.

Zero: Which is why I made sure that my costume would be something where people couldn't tell it was me.

Hopper: Really?

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