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Start from the beginning

The group arrived back into the village to see most of it had been destroyed by Arlong. Venus walked in front of them as she took in the sight. Remembering her own home having the same fate as she gripped her katana. Spinning it in her hand once before securing her grip on the handle.

"Arlong did all of this?" Sanji asked. "Why?"

"To punish the villagers." Nami replied heartbroken by the scene before them. "And to punish me."

"I can't wait to get this over with." Venus spoke. "He's done too much." Thinking about something before turning to them. "Now that I think about it.."

"What is it?" Luffy asked.

"The marines from last night. They were in some alliance with Arlong." Venus spoke. "The one who gave me the pill took Nami's stuff away."

"You're sure they were?" Sanji asked.

"Very." Venus spoke as she turned back to the village.

Usopp had been trying to help put the fires out. Grabbing a bucket and filling it from a well before rushing over to one of the fires.

Venus handed her katana to Zoro as she trusted him with it before walking forward as she decided to help Usopp. Letting her eyes change before holding her hands outwards. Focusing mostly on the well as the water began to rise and float out of the well.

Usopp stopped as he watched as the body of water was above them. Wondering what she had in mind and could hear the worried chatting from the crowd. "V." He spoke up.

"I think she's onto something." Vex replied to him.

Venus stayed concentrated before motioning her hands forward as she expanded the body of water. Watching it spread before it rained back down. Putting out the rest of the fires. "There." She spoke as she turned back to them. "What?" She asked.

"I did not know you could do that." Sanji spoke as he watched in amazment.

Zoro watched before giving a slight smirk.

Nami watched as she glanced at her. "I am definitely stealing you from Zoro." She spoke.

"I did good recruiting you again." Luffy spoke.

"That was brilliant." Vex spoke. "Quick and efficient."

Venus listened to them before crossing her arms. "Focus. We need to make a plan if we want to beat Arlong." She spoke. Glancing away from them and glancing at the crowd approaching them.

Genzo was at the head of the group before reaching them. He seemed to recognize the purple-haired before him. Removing his hat a bit. "We thank you for helping put the fire out Miss...?"

"Venus. My name is Venus Crawford." Venus introduced herself. Hearing a few gasps and murmurs behind him.

"What's going on?" Nami asked at the moment.

Venus glanced at her before glancing at Genzo again. Wondering the same thing.

Genzo kept his stare on her. "Nojiko told us about the sacrifice you had to do for us." He explained. "And you.."

"Me?" Venus asked. "What about me?"

"Are you..?" Genzo began to ask.

"I am." Venus spoke as she knew his question. "I am Venus Crawford. Daughter of the infamous Clovis Crawford and the witch Erline Crawford. My captain and our crew are here to help you guys."

Genzo nodded. "I knew it. Your eyes.. you have his stare. A mixture of them both. I heard what happened to them. Sorry about that Kid.."

Venus gave a small smile his way. "You knew my parents?" Venus asked.

"We did." Genzo spoke. "They weren't as bad as the tales made them out to see unless they were angered."

Venus listened as she gave a small smile. "I guess it runs in the family." She spoke as Zoro joined her.

Genzo nodded as he listened to her before turning to Nami. "We had no idea. Do you think you could ever forgive us?" He asked.

"There's nothing to forgive." Nami spoke. "Coco Village is and always will be my home."

"Then it's our turn to sacrifice. We are done with living in fear of them." Genzo spoke. "We're gonna march into Arlong park. If those fishmen want a fight-."

"That's not going to be a fight. It will be a massacre. You will all be killed." Nami spoke up.

"If there's no hope for us to buy our freedom, then I say we die trying for it." Genzo spoke. Having the support of the crowd behind him.

"No." Venus spoke up as she held her sword. "Dying will not set you free. Dying doesn't solve Arlong's damage." She crossed her arms. "Believe me.. it's not something you want. I know from experience."

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