🥺1,000 Reads Special!🥺

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*Six Years Later*

    "Run, Lily, run! I'm gonna get you." "Hehe, daddy, no!" I watch as the blonde four-year-old runs away from Joel, her little white dress flowing behind her, her hair a static mess. My heart soars at the sight, and I can feel myself tearing up. This is all I've ever wanted, a family. I watch as Joel ducks behind the slide. Lily turns around, looking to see where he went. "Daddy? Where you go?" She looks towards the slide, and as she goes to peak, he jumps out and scoops her up, spinning her around. "Daddy! There you is." She giggles as they spin, her bright smile lighting up the whole park.

    My heart is so happy right now. I take out my phone and snap a picture of him spinning her around, making the perfect cover photo. I look at the time. It's already one in the afternoon, and it's almost her nap time. I put my phone back in my bag as I hear little feet approaching me. "Mommy, mommy! Did you see me? I was up, and I was spinnin' real fast!" She jumps into my arms, and I hold her close, brushing her hair down with my hand as Joel sits down next to me. "Mommy saw you were so high up! Did you have fun today?"

    She nods her head and rubs her eyes. "Awe, is someone sleepy?" She nods again. "Alright, let's get ready to head home. Do you have all your toys?" She sits up and wiggles her legs, wanting down. She runs towards the stairs and climbs them before standing proudly holding her doll. "I got her!" She zooms down the slide and runs back over to us. "Good job, honey! Are you all good now?" She looks around before looking back at me, nodding. "I am good." I kiss her head and take her hand.

    Joel takes her other hand, and we make our way to the car. He unlocks the door, and I get her in her seat, all buckled up. I get in the passenger seat, and he hops in the drivers spot. He starts the car, and we turn on some pop music, on low for her. Right as we pull out of the parking lot, I glance in the mirror, watching her try to keep herself awake. "Honey?" She turns her head and looks at me with sleepy, heavy eyes. "You can sleep, Lily. Mommy will carry you inside when we get home." She shakes her head and rubs her eyes.

    "No, mommy, I want to walk in the house, and I want to hear the music." I smile and nod my head. "Alright, honey. Do you want the music up a little bit?" She nods her head. "I like this song." I turn the radio up a smidge, and we all sing on the way home.


    We get to the house, and we walk inside, Lily, ready for her nap. We get inside and are greeted by Oli, our kitty. "Night night, Oli." Lily pats her head, and Oli follows her to her room. I help her out of her shoes and go to tuck her in. "Do you want Oli in here with you?" She nods, and Oli hops up onto the bed, curling up next to her pillow. Lily gets under her blanket and kisses the cats nose. I lean down and kiss them both. "Get some sleep, honey. You only have to sleep for about an hour, okay? Let me know if you can't sleep, okay?"

    She nods and turns her head, immediately falling asleep. I brush the hair out of her face before getting up and closing the door, leaving a crack open if the cat decides to leave. I sit on the couch next to Joel, who wraps an arm around me as he scrolls through the different movies we have. "How is your day, my love?" I look at him, smiling as my eyes tear up. "I have never been happier." He plants a kiss on my temple, and hits play on our favorite movie.

    "I love you, Joel. More than anything..." He kisses me once more before resting his head onto my shoulder. "I love you more than anything in this entire universe, Y/N..."

Thank you, guys, so very much for 1,000 Reads! I've never got this before, and I never thought I would! Thank you again so very much, and please let me know if I should make this story into a part two featuring their beautiful little girl! (I have an idea for a Halloween special with her, so say yes lol) Anyways, thank you again, so very much. I want to write more, and I'm hoping you all are enjoying this. I can't believe the story got this far! One last time, thank you...

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