Part 1

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    I left my apartment one night, needing air, and to just get out and move around. I don't do anything anyway. I walk to work or on my days off, I watch YouTube videos. Mostly, I watch f/y/c (fav YouTube channel). I also absolutely love a channel called RoomieOfficial. The guy who runs the channel is an amazing singer, and I aspire to be like him. He is also very attractive, but I know damn well that'll never happen. I look up and down the street, just as empty as normal. I turn down an ally-way and lean against the wall of the cold brick buildings. I come here some nights when I just need to let loose. The buildings are mostly empty, so no one hears me, or at least they don't complain about the noise.

    I close my eyes and just allow the words to flow from my mouth. "I, can't, help, falling in love, with, you. Like a river flows, gently to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things, are meant to be..." I hold out the last note, and sigh. I wish I could sing better. Or just be better at literally everything. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and sit up. 'Better head home.' I turn towards the entrance and notice a silhouette standing in the street light. "That was really good. The ending was just a little bit pitchy though." I freeze and stare at the figure. I know that saying. It can't be, though.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know someone was listening." He steps back, allowing me to come out of the dark. When I reach the light, I notice that face immediately. He smiles and extends his hand. "H-hi. I'm Y/N. Sorry if I was bothering you." He shakes his head and lets my hand go. "You weren't. I'm guessing you're either very shy or you're a fan." I nod and tug at my shirt. "Uh, well, I know who you are. I love your content, but also, I don't really sing in front of people, so knowing that someone, especially one of my idols were listening, yeah I am kind of anxious."

    He gives me a huge grin and looks to his feet. "Well, for what it's worth, I'd pay to hear it. Do you take lessons?" My face flushes, knowing he just said he'd pay to hear my voice. "Uh, n-no, I don't. I just sing alone or just whenever I suppose." He nods and seems kind of impressed. "You seem like a cool person. Would you like to take lessons sometime?" I shove my hands in my pockets and squeeze them together. I am so anxious right now, my hands are so sweaty. "Yeah, that'd be awesome. Who would teach me?" He rubs the back of his neck and looks into my eyes. "If it's alright with you, I'd teach you." I swear to god I almost die. I twist my hands in my pockets, feeling like I'm about to pass out. "Yeah, yeah, that would be amazing. I'd love that."

    He grins and takes his phone out. "Could I get your number?" I take out my phone and pull up contacts. "Yeah." I read out my number, and I get a message from someone. It reads: "Hey, it's me, Joel :)" I smile and nod. "I got it. I guess I'll see you later then?" He nods and tucks his phone away. "Would you like me to walk you home? If that's something you'd like?" I could die right now, and I'd be happy. "Yeah, that'd be nice, thank you." We walk towards my place, and I can smell his cologne. I know for a fact I'm sweating like I'm in hell. I am so anxious, it ain't even funny. "Are you from around here?" I glance over and notice him looking at me.

    "I'm actually from H/S (Home State). I decided that I could use a change in scenery. So, I moved here a few months ago." He nods and looks ahead. "How long have you been having mini concerts in creepy alley-ways?" I giggle then feel self-conscious. "Oh, uh, probably just about a month or so. I don't leave my place much so I take a walk and will stop to sing sometimes." He looks at me and gives me a genuine smile. "Well, I think you have a lovely voice, and I can't wait to start lessons with you." We walk up the steps to the building, and I turn towards him. "Thank you for doing this, Joel. I'll see you later?" He smirks and nods. "I'll message you in the morning. Goodnight, Y/N." He waves and heads down the few steps. I open the door and watch as he turns the corner. I close the door, head up to my floor, unlock my door, and get to my room.

    I strip down to my undergarments and get into bed. I take out my phone and stare at the one message. 'I can't believe I met Joel, and he wants to give me singing lessons.' I get a message from my sister. It's about ten at night here. She lives in Arizona, so it's about eleven there. The message read: "Hey, am I still coming to visit here soon or no?" I open it and reply. 

(Y is You and S is sister)

S: Hey am I still coming to visit here soon or no?

Y: Yeah if you're still wanting to, but you will never guess what just happened!

S: What

Y: I was doing my nightly walks right? Well, as I was about to head home, someone heard me singing. I shit you not, I almost died. Guess who it was?!

S: Who

Y: Joel from RoomieOfficial!

S: no fucking way

Y: Yes fucking way! He said my ending was 'a little bit pitchy' but he liked my voice! He even said he would pay to hear it. He also gave me his number and offered me singing lessons taught BY HIM!😭❤

S: damn look at you

S: just don't scare him off or confess your love

Y: Wow, I'm headed to bed. He said he'd text me in the morning

S: alright well im out night

Y: Night

    I shut my phone off and it lights back up. It's Joel.

J: Goodnight, Y/N :)

A: Goodnight Joel 😊

J: 😃

    I smile and shut the screen off. I plug in the charger and roll over. I then roll back over and set an alarm for nine in the morning. Normally, I sleep as long as I can, but if he messages, I want to be up and ready. I turn back around, and I start to doze off. I can't wait for these lessons. My eyes fly open and I realized something, I have to sing in front of him. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. I have to sing in front of my idol as well as my celebrity crush. 'What have I gotten myself into...?'

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