Part 8

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    'Did Joel just ask me to be his lover? Oh my god, I think he did!' "So, did you wanna head home to change, or did you plan on wearing my dirty shirt all day?" He chuckled and pulled away from the embrace. I shrugged and blushed. "I mean either or sounds fine." He gave me a small peck on the lips and let my hands go. "I have some errands to run, but I'll message you here in a bit." I nod and grab my bag, making my way to the exit. "I'll talk to you later then." He smiles, and I give him a small wave. I rush home and my sister isn't there, so I assume she's shopping. I remove his shirt and place my own clean one on. I hold his flannel to my nose and deeply inhale. Last night, I lost it to my idol, celebrity crush, and voice coach. I put the shirt on a hanger and place it in the closet. I decide to take a walk and get out on the town. I lock my door and head out the big double doors and onto the street.

    I make my way a few blocks until I reached that coffee shop Joel and I ate at the one day we were discussing my voice. I glance over the parking lot and notice the same few cars that were there when we went. I'm guessing one is the bitchy waitress and the others her coworkers or customers. Speaking of, one of those looks just like Joel's car. I squint and read the license plate, and sure enough it's his car. I begin to walk towards the building, my legs growing a mind of their own. My pace quickens as I approach the cafe and duck inside, pulling my hood over my head to somewhat hide myself.

    I order a water so I don't seem too suspicious, and find a spot in a corner booth. I sit down and slyly glance around. I hear a woman giggling and look towards the two-person high top tables, and immediately feel my eyes start to tear up. Sitting there was the bitchy waitress sitting across from the man himself, Joel Berghult. I open my phone and take a quick picture before standing up to leave. I walk a bit close to them and hear her sigh. "Well, I guess I would enjoy a festival date, but I personally enjoy shopping."

    I rush out the door and walk as fast as I can to my place. My sister still isn't home so I go to my room and let it all out. "Fuuuuuuck! Goddammit! Why?!" My head spins as I picture the two having the night of their lives. Hand in hand through the different attractions, him winning her toys, and stopping at the top of the Ferris Wheel, sharing a romantic kiss under the stars. I take my palm and smack my forehead.





'You lost it to someone that could do so much better than you!'

*Smack Smack SMACK*

    I sat in a daze, apparently I hit myself a little too hard considering everything went black for a second. I feel a headache coming, could be from the stress of seeing my new boyfriend with a waitress that threatened me, or hitting myself in the head repeatedly, or hell maybe both! I remove my hoodie and lie in bed, watching the ceiling fan spin around and around. Thinking of how life would've been better off never meeting that beautiful Swedish model. 'I wish I never saw that sexy silhouette. Or his diamond blue eyes. I wish I never heard that angelic voice through my speakers. Or the way he called my name when we-.'

    "Ahh! Stop, no! I can't love him!" I heard my door creak. "Love who?" I look up to see my sister frowning at me. I broke down and told her everything. How last night was a dream come true. How Jonas stopped by this morning and caught us together but said he was happy Joel found a good one. I began to sob again and hated myself for it. I knew that if I allowed myself to be vulnerable, that I was get played. I just don't understand though, he was in the same boat as me. If I was being used, wouldn't he have done this before? I don't think he'd lie about something like that, right? Even Jonas said that Joel wanted to wait. So, how was I different from his ex's? My mind was going into overdrive with thoughts. My sister decided to leave me be, so I covered up and sobbed some more. 'Maybe this is all a dream, and I'll wake up soon...'

(Sorry for it being shorter and also plot-twist. Yeah Joel and you became one but now he's with that? Crazy how things happen like this, especially after that magical night... Guess you'll find out more later)

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