Part 2

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    I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I roll over, confused as to why I set an alarm on my day off. I check the screen, and it hits me. I met Joel! I have sessions with him. I have his number. I fly out of bed and into the shower. I do some warm ups, and sing some higher notes to get my voice ready. I get dressed, brush my teeth, and throw on deodorant and my favorite perfume. I check the clock. It's only about nine-forty. I check my messages and refresh the app repeatedly. I realize I'm getting antsy and paranoid. I put the phone in my pocket and head to the couch. I sit it on the arm-rest and sit in the silence. He isn't bailing, right? My anxiety is getting to me. I feel tears start to form, and the depression kicks in.

    'He doesn't like you. He hates your voice. He was just being nice. Stop being hopeful. He is much better than you and can get anyone else. You aren't good enough for him! You should just end it-.' My thoughts are interrupted by my phone going off. I wipe the tears and clear my throat. It's him! He messaged me.

J: Hey! Sorry I'm up a little later than normal. Slept past my alarm lol. Do you wanna head to a nearby coffee shop to plan things out? My treat :D

Y: Yeah that'd be great! Also, you're alright. I've just been hanging out. Which shop were you thinking of?

J: Well, if you wouldn't mind me picking you up? It's like a fifteen minute drive, or if you wanna meet me there?

    I feel absolutely stupid. I don't drive, so this is going to be an idiot move on my part.

Y: Actually, I don't drive 😬 If you wanna give me a ride that'd be great. I can always walk and meet you there

J: It's alright. I can get you, it's no problem at all. I'll be there in say twenty minutes?

Y: Alrighty, I'll see you shortly then

J: :))

Y: :]

    I feel so stupid that I can't even drive myself to see him. I grab my mini bookbag and sit it on the couch. I grab my wallet and check for cash. I have enough, so I sit aside some for his gas and some for later if anything happens. I rush to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I fix my hair, forcing the little pieces down and washing my face, hoping my eyes aren't too puffy looking. I add a little mascara and chapstick. 'Eh, it'll have to do.' I throw on a jacket and put my bag over my shoulder. I get a message, saying he's here. I lock my door and head down the hallway. I get to the front door and realize I'm holding my breath. I gasp for air and realize I'm starting to fall apart. I catch my breath and head out. He's sitting there waiting for me. I take a deep breath and shut the door, walking towards his car. I climb in and buckle up without looking at him. I look out the window and blink my eyes a few times, trying not to freak out.

    "You alright?" I turn, and our faces are less than a foot apart. He looks so much more attractive in person, face-to-face, in the daylight. I smile and nod, trying to sound reassuring. "Yeah, I'm great. Thank you for the ride. I feel bad for not being able to drive myself." He smiles and waves it off. He grabs the wheel and turns into the street. "It's all good. I really don't mind." I look out the front window, and I glance his way from the corner of my eye. He looks so beautiful with the sun in his eyes and the wind in his hair. I find myself staring and move my eyes back to the road. "So, besides this coffee thing, any other plans for the day?" I hold my hands in my coat pocket and shrug. "No, probably just going to hang out and watch YouTube, to be honest." He looks at me and smiles. God, that smile. "What do you like to watch?" My face warms up. I'm going to sound like a loser.

    "I've been a fan of f/y/c for a few years now, so I watch their channel." He nods and slows for a red light. "They're pretty great. Funny, too. Do you watch anyone else?" I see him eyeing me and smile. I don't know if I should, but I try a joke. "I mean, I watch this music channel. The guy's alright, but not the best." He looks at me, and I smirk. He notices I'm kidding and holds a hand to his chest. "Ouch, I bet that would have hurt if he was here. He's at least handsome, right?" I feel myself blush, not knowing what to say. I just continue with the joke. "I'd say he looks like an average guy." He sighs and shakes his head. "Poor man. You're just breaking his ego now." I giggle, and he laughs. "I'm sorry, but someone's gotta do it." He tilts his head back slightly and does that laugh he does, and I feel myself melt.

    "You're killing me, Y/n. How can this guy be better?" I shrug and look down at my feet. "I think he's pretty awesome just the way he is. That's just my opinion, though." I look up, and he beams at me. We slow down, and he pulls into a parking spot. We climb out, and he locks the doors. We head to the glass doors, and he holds it open for me. I've never been here, but it's really pretty. We walk up to the counter, and he gets a black coffee. I look over the menu and just asked for a f/d (fav drink). We sit down at a booth, and he pulls out a notebook from the inside of his jacket. He looks around, and I realize he needs a pen. I dig out a pencil bag and slide it over. He takes out a pen and takes the cap off. "Thank you." I nod and look at the book. He writes across the top, Y/n. I feel my face burn. "So, what are some of your strengths?" I look up, and he stares at me expectantly. I forgot this wasn't a friendly hangout or even close to a date. This is pretty much business.

    "Um, I can do some high notes, I guess?" He nods and writes 'high notes (?)'. He looks up and taps the pen on his face. "Well, I know you can hold a note for a minute. So, long notes are good." He writes that down. "Anything else that you know you're good at?" I shrug and hold my arms close. "I can sing some songs better than others, but I'm not sure off the top of my head." He nods and goes down half the page and draws a line. "What are some things you can't sing well?" I push my glasses up, and he stares at me for a minute before looking down at the page. "I can't really do low notes. Lower things my voice gives out and doesn't sound like singing." He chuckles and writes down what I said. I think about some other things I suck at, and my mind begins to go into overdrive. 'You can't sing, you can't live. You can't be happy, you can't hold a conversation, and you can't do anything right.' I shake my head, and he looks up. "Hmm?" I look at him and wave a hand. "Nothing, sorry, my mind's starting to lose focus." He shrugs and closes the pen. "Well, not much, but I'm sure we'll have a bigger list of things you can do rather than can't do." I grin, and I just want to hug him. I just want to thank him for all of this and tell him how much he means to me.

    I look into his eyes, and he looks at me. He opens his mouth, but the waitress comes over and hands us our drinks. "Enjoy!" She walks away, and I take a sip of my drink. My face is on fire, and I feel very anxious. I sit the glass down and see him reading something. It looks like a napkin, and I realize what it is instantly. I've read enough stories and seen enough movies to know a phone number napkin when I see one. He crumbles it up and sits it aside. I thought they only did that if they weren't interested. It hits me then, what if he doesn't want her because he likes me? No, no way in hell does he like me. Maybe he has a girlfriend? Oh god, I feel stupid. I'm here, and if he has someone, I'm wasting my time. I'd love to be his friend, but if he is with someone, then I'm probably going to make things weird.

    We finish our drinks, and he heads to the bathroom. I pull out my wallet and get some ones out to leave a tip when she comes over. "Hey honey, listen. That piece of meat is mine and if you think that he would date an ugly fat ass bitch like you, think again. You are a useless piece of shit and you know damn well he won't ever want someone like you." We heard the door close and footsteps come our way. We stare at each other and she plasters on a smile. "Hope you had a great time! Hope to see you here again soon." She walks away, and goes behind the counter and into the kitchen. He grabs his notebook and nods toward the door. "Ready?" I slowly nod, and grab my bag. I toss five ones onto the table and leave the building.

    "So, how was it?" I buckle in and look at him. "It was very nice. Thank you again for bringing me here." I give him a fake smile and look down at my feet. He pulls out the napkin and shows me it. I look at him, and he smirks. "I'm not really interested in her. Do you want her number?" I laugh and shake my head. "No, I'm alright, thank you though." He opens his door and tosses it into the nearby trash bin. "Come on, let's get to work." He starts the car, and my heart drops. 'Oh no...'

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