Part 7

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    I roll over and open my eyes. I'm met with Joels' sleeping face. 'He is so beautiful...' I roll over and look at the clock. It's almost ten in the morning. I open my phone and noticed my sister messaged me many times.

S: you good?

S: you alive?

S: omg did you guys do something?!

S: or did he kill you?

S: im doordashing food so message me when you wake up or something

    I message her saying I'll be home later, that I'll let her know what happened. I feel an arm slink around my waist and smile. I roll over and see Joel staring at me, smiling. I smile back, and we kiss. He pulls back and looks a little startled. "Did you hear that?" I look towards the door, and I hear the front door close. "Joel? Hey man, sorry to burst in. You didn't message me last night after your date thing with Y/n." We shoot out of the bed and throw on whatever we could find. I find one of his older flannels in the corner, and I throw on my leggings. He grabs his shirt and throws on some sweats. I rush out the door and into the nearest bathroom. "Joel? You alright, man?"

    I hear Jonas down the hall. I fix my hair, and I hear Joel open his bedroom door and sneak down the hall. I listen through the door. "Hey man, sorry I forgot my phone in my room. Just grabbed it. What's up?" I hear the anxiety in his voice. "Well, you said you were going to message me after the date, and you never did. So I texted you this morning, and you never answered, so I was hoping everything was alright." I sigh and look in the mirror. 'What do I do?' "Yeah, everything went great, man. Thanks for stopping by." "Joel, are you sure? You seem anxious." Joel just chuckles, and I hear Jonas moving around. "Yeah, everything is great." I hear something move, and realize that it's my bag.

    "Isn't this Y/n's bag?" 'Shit...' "Joel, is Y/n here right now?" I hear Joel sigh, so I exit the bathroom. "Oh, hey Jonas. How's it going?" He looks at me and sits my bag down. "Hey, Y/n, you're over early. How come?" I shrug. "Just, Joel really wanted a re-match after losing every round yesterday." Joel crosses his arms. "I know you cheated in some way, I just can't prove it." I smile and feel relieved he's playing along. Jonas looks between us, and his eye catches my shirt. "Well, he does suck at gaming, but that doesn't explain the food left out and you wearing his shirt." Joel goes pale, and I feel very warm. Memories of last night flood my brain, and I don't know what to do. "Oh, I got cold and forgot my hoodie at home."

    Jonas eyes me, and Joel looks at his feet. "Joel, Y/n, tell me the truth. You know I won't judge you, and if what happened is what I think happened, then I'm not mad, just really excited." We look at him, then each other confused. "You're excited?" He nods and smiles. "Joel, you are 30 years old and keep wanting to "wait until marriage" and all that jazz. Y/n, you're younger, but I know you wouldn't have done anything unless it meant a lot to you." I blush and nod. If I didn't think Joel was close to 'the one', then I wouldn't have said yes. Joel also wouldn't have tried anything if he didn't mean it.

    "Well, Jonas, you're right. I really do like Y/n, and last night, I allowed myself to finally do it. I didn't mind not doing anything with my exes, but I knew that Y/n was, and is, different." I smile and hold his hand. "Agreed. I never really cared about doing anything, but last night, it felt right. I don't regret it." He smiles, and Jonas squeals like a school girl. "Someone might be a little too excited about this." I laugh, and Joel does that laugh I love. Jonas chuckles but shakes his head. "This is big news. I need to treat you guys. Dinner on me tonight. I shall bring my lovely lady, and we shall feast upon this glorious moment!" He rushes out the door and gets into his car. Joel shakes his head, and I smirk. "You have some lovely friends." He laughs and holds both my hands.

    "Well, there is one friend I'd like to make more than just a friend, if they'll allow me." I smile and kiss him gently. "I'm sure they would love nothing more." He kisses me back and pulls me close. "Good, because I have become addicted and need them to stay." I hold him and smile into his shoulder. "They aren't going anywhere."

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