Part 9

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    I wake up to the sun peaking through my curtains. I roll over and glance at my phone, seeing it's already five o'clock. I sit up feeling like I haven't slept at all. My heart feels like it's been torn out of my chest, and my eyes are sore from all the crying I did a couple hours prior. I open my phone and noticed a missed call from Joel and a few messages as well. I open our chat and read what he wanted.

J: Hey! Just finished some errands and wanted to see if you wanted to get some lunch?

    That was about one o'clock. The next few were from an hour ago.

J: Hey, you busy?

J: Sorry for the spam. I just wanna make sure you're alright

J: So just message me when you can love ❤

    My heart soars at the name but immediately falls when the memory returns. I bite my lip and, trying to choke back some tears, I begin to respond. I heard a soft knock, and my sister popped her head in. "Hey, so... there's someone here who wishes to see you. Do you wanna see him?" I look at our messages and sigh. "Give me a minute, then send him in." She nods and closes the door. I get up and slide my hoodie on. I go to my mirror and try to fix my hair. I hear another soft knock, and my heart begins to race. 'What should I do? Hide? Jump out the window?'

    "Hey, Y/n? Are you in there?" I sigh and flop back onto the bed. "Come in..." He enters the room holding two to-go cups. He closes the door gently and sits my cup on the nightstand, placing a kiss on the top of my head. My heart begins to race, thinking of how sweet he is being and how this is actually very romantic. I give a small smile and then frown remembering his conversation with "The Bitch". He sits next to me and rests a hand on my shoulder. "Is everything alright? Your sister seemed upset and you look as though you've been crying." I hesitate before turning to face him, concern and worry taking over his face. I feel my lip quiver and I look down at my hands. "I... I went for a walk after I left your place and spotted the coffee shop we went to."

    I look over and his eyes are scanning my face, taking in everything. "I decided to stop in and as I approached, I spotted your car. I took a seat at one of their booths and I heard a woman giggle. I looked up to see you with that waitress. I felt upset and decided to leave when I heard her say something about a festival and how she would enjoy it. Are you taking her out?" Tears begin to rain down my face once again. He cups my face and stares into my eyes. "I heard what she said to you the day we went there. I would never be with someone that has a personality like hers! I was talking to Jonas about taking you out on a real date and I guess she overheard because she grabbed my arm and sat me down, asking me who I was planning to take. I told her what I was planning and her remark was what you heard. I promise you that I only have eyes, for you! Also, after last night, I definitely can't lose you."

    He smiles and I can't help but smile back. He pulls my face towards him and gives me a reassuring kiss. "Now, let's go." I give him a confused look. "Where?" He smiles and pulls me off of the bed, holding my hands as we stand. "I'm taking you out for dinner!" I hug him and tell him I'll be out momentarily. He heads out to wait in the living room, and I begin to rummage through my closet for something to wear. I end up wearing my favorite f/c (favorite color) dress. I un-knot my ratty hair and try to make the mess look decent enough for a date. The dress isn't too fancy but not too casual. Almost perfect for any occasion. I put on some flats to go with the gown and add some light make-up. I grab my mini book-bag and head towards the living room where he's telling my sister what actually happened.

    He glanced my way before fully turning to look at me and stopped mid-sentenced, mouth agape. "Whoa. Y/n, you look beautiful." I blush and loop my arm through his. "Please, my face is still a bit puffy from crying." He cups my cheek and kisses my temple. "You still look stunning to me." I hold him close and my sister claps her hands as I smile. "You two have fun, alright? I don't want to see you home early or at all. Have a great time!" We wave goodbye and head out the door. He opens the door for me and hops in the front seat.

    "Ready gorgeous?" I turn to him and smile. "Ready handsome."

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