Chapter 15

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Hi, smut warning quick thing it's not real remember that I feel like I should say it again hyunlix are just friends in real life and this is only for entertainment
Chapter written by thxe_stay

They crossed paths, hyunjin just went the way he was going before and Felix went immediately into the bathroom. He locked himself in one of the stalls and waited, hoping that he got the right massage.

And he did

After a few minutes Hyunjin also came in

"Poor" He whispered just enough for felix to hear and unlock the stall doors.

Hyujin came inside and looked the other in the eyes, admiring all the lights that shone inside them looking in fear but intrest at the other.

"Umm-" Felix started but was cut off

"Okay Felix I know, but-" Hyunjin came closer to felix earlobe and delicately but decisively whispered "will you help me with my problem?"

that caught Felix off guard especially that hyunjins hot long fingers moved the others hand to his bulge. Now everything made sense the others problem was his hard fucking dick.

Lixie didn't have enough time to even react as the other stuck his lips onto the others neck slightly biting it making the other whimper

"Hyunjin" Felix moaned out a little too loud but Hyunjin quickly slapped his hand over Felix's mouth

"Quiet someone could hear us"

Felix nooded and went inside the others boxer slightly stroking him making hyunjin also create beautiful sounds, quiet enought for the hall to not hear but to felix enjoy them fully.

After pulling out of Felix's neck hyunjin devoured the younger lips with sloppy lustful kisses, both of their slavia combining dissapierieng in eachothers moans and whimpers.

Felix remembered himself that they have a lecture, so he quickly fastened the pace making hyunjin bite harshly out of suprise

"Ouch Feli-"

"Shh some .. One wi-will hear .. us" he said whimpering and studdering and felixs small palms still moved around his length quickly.

"Fuck.... lixie i-im close" Hyunjins said pulling the other into a kiss that even tho he knew it was wrong

it just felt right

Felix thought of an idea and as he felt the other getting really close to his climax he stopped moving his hand and with the other he pulled Hyunjin's shirt up and bit his nipple making the older squirt all over the youngers hand making angelic sounds while it

"Thank you lix" he placed a small peck on the others head

"Its fine i need to go now" Felix said and with a rushed manner cleaned his hands and almost sprinted through the empty hallway to his lectures

'yeah I know you need to go... I'll lose you anyways' Hyunjin thought as he saw Felix run away from him. He tried to hold his tears even tho the pain he felt was unbearable.

Why, why am I crying?

He didn't have a clue why he felt that way


"Why are you so late?" The profesor asked, looking at his best student being late for the first time in history at his lesson

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim, I forgot my books and needed to quickly go back! it won't happen again i promise" Felix answeared

"Ur lucky u have good grades, but we still need to talk after class just because you're a good student doesn't mean I won't talk with you, now go sit down"

Felix noded and seated himself in his seat

'I wonder if hyunjin came back to his class- no u don't give a fuck abt him Felix shut up'

Felix didn't really paid that much attention in class but he didn't really care, when the lesson was over Felix went to the professor who wanted to talk with him.

"Felix I'm sorry I need to go into the teacher room please come at the end of the day to me"

"Okay Mr.Kim"

Felix was pretty okay with that he didn't really care that much about it and so he went to the cafeteria of the university he normally wouldn't go there but he needs to talk with Jisung.

But there was something werid going on everyone talked about something

"Have you heard two people did it in the man's bathroom"

"Omg no who"

"Well the person who heard it said it sounded a lot like Hyunjin and you know the thing is the boy who got sent to look for Hyunjin said that the others voice sounded like a boy and not just some boy but lee fucking Felix hahahaha can you believe that the hoe got fucked by Hyunjin"

"No way"

It was another roumor but well this time it wasn't really a roumor cause it was true in some way but no one needed to know that
He didn't really care about it what other students think about him
Only if he knew that the teachers also heard about this roumor.

At the end of the day Felix came into the office if the head of the principal he got called there and he actually didn't knew why he didn't do anything wrong did he?

"Please sit down Mr.lee"

"Uhm Mr.Sut why am I here I didn't do anything wrong did I?"

"I called you here so that we can talk a out that little thing from today"

"What thing"

"The Hyunjin thing"

Okay I'm ending it here goodbye guysss I'm tired af

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