Chapter 3

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Well you guys don't know how much I'm dying while writing this book but it's worth it might involve some little smut (thxe_stay WHY SO EARLY ALREADY WHEN WE PLANNED IT IT FELT SO LONG)

A man looking pretty dirty and wet from the rain came in their direction with a nice smile on his face

"Hello, I'm a mechanic I could look at the car if you could need some help"

the old man offered and the driver of The Raven of course said yes so the old mechanic went to the car and took a look at it.

"The motor is broken I can repair it but I need some time, around five hours so you could sleep in a old house that stands empty at the moment"
And because the two couldn't do anything they walked behind the man to the house, the thing is it wasn't empty anymore.

"I will take the older man with me, you young boy can sleep at another house just go to the end of the village to the upper house and then there should be a sign with the name lee on it, there lives a really nice boy he will probably take you in for the night" and with that the man went away with Mr.Park(driver) and Hyunjin stood there in the storm being pissed that he needs to go to some random ass bitch.

He walked to the house on the end of the village being pissed off and when he came there he was wet as fuck. He then walked up the stairs to the apartment where the sign lee was and knocked on the door and then like 5 second later the door got opened and Felix stood there.

"What the fuck are you doing here" Felix asked pretty confused

"My car broke down and a mechanic told me to go here" Hyunjin said looking Felix up and down with disgust

"take a taxi"

"As if anyone would drive here at this storm if you didn't noticed nobody goes in this village except you weirdos so can I come in"


"Well too bad cause I'm coming in" the raven said before pressing himself through the door

"What the fuck is this"

"My apartment"

"It's so disgusting and dirty" Hyunjin said with disgust clearly in his voice present

"Better than staying in the rain"

After that Hyunjin was quiet he looked around and saw that Felix was now sitting on his bed doing literally nothing but staring holes in the air

"Why are you doing nothing?"

"Do you see anything to do here?"

"Why don't you go on your phone"

"I knew you were a dumbass but I didn't think you were this dumb, I don't have a phone I'm poor" Felix answered

"Right... poor ass bitch"

"Excuse me"

"You heard me"

"I'm about to punch you again"

"Then I punch you back"

"Same rule if you punch me I will kiss you"

"Eww no why do you always want to kiss me" Hyunjin said with pure disgust

"To gross you out"

"Well you're doing great, I hate gays my father always says it's completely normal but what the fuck does he know"

"Whatever you say twink do you have WiFi here?"

"First of all don't call me a twink and second no. But you can go to the apartment downstairs and ask for their password"

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