Chapter 6

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Hellloooo I'm bored again if you see any mistakes please tell me I will correct them

The next day came and both boys woke up in each other's arms they didn't say anything they just stood up and went to college Felix was actually scared that he had missed so much in the two days he wasn't in school but to his luck he didn't miss much he borrowed a note book from the only person he's good with in his class and copied it in one day giving the note book back at the end of the break. On the other hand with Hyunjin, he wasn't happy that he was back in school he hated it to study and in school everyone would touch him the girls would always try to flirt with him and hug him but since that "accident" he didn't let anyone touch him the only one who touched him was Felix and even there Hyunjin felt kinda disgusted and a little bit scared he would always wash up right after Felix touched him cause Felix was the dirtiest and poorest boy in school and everyone knows that.

While both boys sat in their classes there came an announcement about a project or more like a test for the whole school they would choose their own partners but it needs to be people they didn't know and then they would try to solve problems and Questions and for that they will get a score and on friday the last day of the project they would go to an amusement park in a group of 4 and try to find objects the group who found the most ones will get a price. So Felix went through school and started to look for a partner he wouldn't work together with Hyunjin and he sadly couldn't work together with his girl best friend Mi-he, and as he was walking around the school he saw that almost everyone had a partner that was until he saw a pretty muscular boy so Felix took all the courage he had and walked to the boy asking him if they would wanna be partners and the boy called changbin said yes so Felix had his partner. Changbin and Felix both told their professors with who they would work with and like that they got their first "mission" for Monday but one thing Felix didn't knew was that changbin thought Felix would do all the work cause he's smart. On the other hand with Hyunjin it looked like that:



"NO HE WONT HE WILL WORK WITH ME" (I just got a déjà vu I never saw this shit one time)

So Hyunjin didn't want to work with any of these girls so he just choose the one that looked the most decent, Mi-he Hyunjin choose Mi-he to her luck she had a big crush on Hyunjin since she got into the school so Mi-he was really happy to work with Hyunjin and she of course told Felix about it when they were on the way to they're village and Felix actually didn't really listened to her he just knew that she was paired with Hyunjin and he knew she loved it.

So Monday came Felix and Changbin started to work together Changbin didn't do shit at first but Felix almost slapped him so Changbin also started to work. For Hyunjin he didn't do anything cause Mi-he would do all the work for him, and like this the week passed by Changbin and Felix got pretty good friends and then Friday was there.

The professor started to call two groups to the front and these groups of four would go into the bus and like that the professor called more and more groups until it was Felix's turn.

"Felix, Changbin, Mi-he, Hyunjin" Hyunjin looked at Changbin and Changbin at Hyunjin.

"I'm not working with him" they both said at the same time

"Well sorry guys I won't change groups you guys will work together and now get on the bus!" The professor pointed at the bus Hyunjin and Changbin frowned but went into the bus followed by The best friends looking confused at each other.

The drive to the amusement park was very weird the tension between Hyunjin and Changbin was clearly visible and Felix knew it was gonna be the most annoying day he will have and he was right in the amusement park it went like this while they were looking for the objects.

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