You woke up and saw Aizawa talking to mic "Oh hey little listener how are you?" you looked at Aizawa he shook his, good he didn't tell. "i'm good, i gotta get to class now, i still have 2 more periods left." You ran out of the room and to your classroom. Mic looked at Aizawa "What was that about?" "Nothing" Aizawa said getting more coffee as he takes a sip he spits it out "She's blind!" He and Mic yell at the same time and run out.

After Mic and Aizawa walked you to your classroom they left and you felt all the eyes on you, you walked to your seat and slept until school was over. Someone woke you up and you grabbed your stuff and was about to leave when you heard commotion at the door, ugh not now i was so close to leaving.

 You heard Umaraka yell "Why the heck are you all here?"

"Do you students have something with our class?" iida asks

"Why are you blocking our door way? I won't let you hold us hostage! " mineta asks

"They are scouted out the competition you idiots. were the class that survived the villian attack."Bakugo says as he walks out You were starting to walk out too

Bakugo said some other things while iida and the others got scared

"So your class 1a, i heard you were impressive but you just sound like an ass." someone says from the crowd says " how sad it is to come here and find some ego maniacs"

You were already angry but this made you want to kill him! who is he calling 'ego maniacs'?

"I wanted to be in the hero course but like many others here i was forced to choose a different track, such as life." I walked up to bakugo and stood slightly beside him "I didn't cut it the first time but now i have another chance, the people that do well in the sports festival can be transferred into the hero course. And they have to transfer people out to make room." I heard my classmates flinch but i stayed still

"I'm telling you if you don't bring your very best then i'll steal your spot from right under you. Consider this a declaration of war." Who does he think he is? I'm gonna kill him right here on the spot. Another person comes up screaming you didn't care he had to say

Bakugo starts to walk away, you wanted him to walk you because you couldn't see anything. kirishima ran up and yelled " Hey where are you going your the reason they are all hating on us!" bakugo looks back and says "These people don't matter what matters is that i beat them" he turns around and walks away.

You started to walk closer to the crowd to leave when someone yells "Wait no way that is Kurayami Akuji! i didn't believe it when the media and people said she was joining our school!" "No way!" "A top assassin in our school!"

The guy that was talking to bakugo starts to talk to you " Know i'm just unlucky, how does it feel to have a quirk that brings you to the top." you looked at him "Excuse me i'm trying to get home." The whole class was staring, no one dared to move.

"You guys don't know what it's like to be at the bottom of everything all the time. And now we have brats like you who come in and brag about their quirk." He didn't move i was just trying to go home so don't bring this storm to me

"In fact why did you kill your parents? Did they not give you the car you wanted or is it that your sister had a better quirk then you? Will you kill her soon too?" That was it

I punched him in the face and made sure i left a mark, he fell to the floor with a thud. The crowd made room for us just in case of a fight "Who the hell do you think you're talking too? You're not much more of an angel than I am, Have you starved for weeks straight? been beaten the hell out of because of your quirk. At least be grateful that you have a family that loves you. You asked if i knew what it felt to be at the bottom, no. No i don't because I was six feet under but look at where i am now, so stop balling your eyes out. I have no regard for who i kill so don't be on the top of my list at the end of the day, okay."

He got back up and yelled some not so nice names at you the next thing you know you were on top of the boy and beating hell into him. There was blood on my fist and the boy looked dead he was barely breathing you only punched him 4 times and he looks like this what a shame, the guys in your class were able to hold you back before you actually killed him. The girls tried to calm you down but all you saw was the boy on the floor with blood painted on him "Come on, how are you going to beat anyone if you snap so easily?" you yelled

 You saw the teachers rushing to get the boy to recovery girl, i guess someone called them over when you were 'fighting' him. Someone closed the classroom door and the whole class was screaming at you "What the heck Kurayami! You did worse then bakugo." "So, it's his fault for starting a fight with me." Then you felt something on your leg you looked down and saw someone small, that could only be mineta. "You looked so hot fighting him, and i saw some more of your thighs it was a glorious sight to behold." You were about to punch him when someone opened the door "Kurayami get over here now!" Aizawa that could only be Aizawa's voice

You walked out with him into an empty classroom then a whole argument started

"WHAT, What in the world were you thinking? huh let me know because what you did to that boy didn't seem like you were thinking at all!" He yelled at you while having an intense gave on you

"They started it, i was just trying to go home and the boy started insulting and cussing me out so the best option at that point was to hurt him since...since..." You just growled and you ears went all the way back. Your hair got in your face, every passing day your hair went from half black and white to it being more white then black.

"You're going to apologize to him and you're not going to the sports festival. That's final." You just stood there in shock "What the hell! You can't do that, its not my fault that boy wanted to get beaten up! He was practically begging for it!" Your hands started to smoke as blue fire popped out of them. " What i said is final, you need to own up to what you did." He continued, "I fucking hate you. Just because I broke his ego i can't go to the sports festival?" You yelled " You might as well have killed him, that boy's body was fragile and whatever you do for training almost killed him!" You just walked out of the room and back to your classroom to grab all your stuff. 

Hey you guys THANK YOU for all the views! Hope you have a good day If you want anything in the book put it in the comments. BYE

Word count - 2,391

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