They Call it Doom

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The Water Ninja picked up some keys, "Seats...Car keys...Stuffed animals...This place is weird."

Sora picked up an old sock, "Seriously. Just a single sock?"

"Maybe it's an old junkyard, and now after the Merge, it turned into some new type of junkyard? If that makes any sense, to begin with." I asked nervously before sighing.

"You'd think a glowing Dragon Core would be easy to find in all this," Nya spoke, looking around.

"Riyu?" I questioned, seeing the small dragon near a small pit, I felt a tremor making me cautious, "I don't think you should be near there, Riyu!" I warned him.

"Woah! Do you know what's happening? I don't know what's happening." Sora asked us as we almost lost our balance by the tremor.

Just as I suspected some type of garbage geyser erupted and shot Riyu into the air. Nya and I worked together to kick away the trash flying at us.

Sora tried to catch Riyu but a steel bin hit her, causing her to fall Riyu finally descended but unfortunately landed on the tech user.

"Ouch...Sora's not having her day today is she?" I whispered as Nya shook her head, "No, no she isn't."

"You both okay?" I asked Sora and Riyu, and the two replied with their responses getting me to smile. I helped Sora up to her feet as Nya spoke about the weird junkyard we were in.

"Somehow, this place just got even more strange. Trash geysers?" Nya asked.

Sora inspected some of the rubbish lying around, "Some of this stuff is brand new. And some look like it's from Imperium. But I'm still not seeing a Dragon Core."

I heard something in the distance, making me turn to see rubbish clattering and falling, "Did you both hear that?" I asked, Nay and Sora nodded.

We saw three children. One was a human who looked to be the youngest, another one with a hat on their head and the last was a Serpentine. Once they saw us staring at them, they started to bolt.

"Hey! You!" Nya yelled.

She Sora with Riyu ran after them.

"We need to talk to you!" Sora shouted.

I only held my hips with my hands, "That's not how you directly speak to children...We're gonna end up scarring them and then face off some person guarding them." I shook my head at my theory,

"I swear...And there I go speaking about the future again...! Great...Hey! Wait up, guys!" I ran after them.

I was able to catch up to the girls and Riyu as they yelled at the kids, "Hey! We just wanna talk!" Nya yelled out to them as they turned to a corner.

"Please...! Huff...! Stop!" Sora called out to them, out of breath while still running.

I felt a presence nearby and went to warn the girls and Riyu, "Wait! Sora! Nya! Riyu! Watch out!" But my call of danger was a bit late.

As of result, Sora is on the ground from some kind of shockwave and Nya is merely pushed. I caught Riyu in my arms before placing him down on the ground.

Nya and I immediately put our hoods on to prepare for battle.

"No one touches these children!!" A rock golem yelled, stopping us from proceeding.

It went to attack us first as we dodged the attack, Sora went to kick the golem but it had no effect. my student was thrown to a nearby tree.

"Sora!" I yelled in worry before Riyu went to distract the golem from the ground, Riyu evaded the foot that was about to crush him.

Nya went in to fight, and I joined as well, the both of us taking our spears and throwing them at the golem. It had no effect either.

I saw the golem go in the air and pushed Nya out of the way, "Watch out!" I was the one flown back by the shockwave of the golem landing, Nya was safe thanks to my barrier appearing in time.

"No! (Y/N)!" Nya yelled in worry for me.

I rolled along the ground and quickly stood up by using my spear to get back up, "I'm fine. Kinda a bit angry but fine."

The Water Ninja also used Spinjitzu to evade another attack.

"Spinjitzu?" The golem asked when seeing Nya do Spinjitzu.

"Huh?" Both Nya and Sora were confused when the golem knew of the ancient art of the Ninja.

"I didn't want to go full force. But you left me with no choice!" I stated, using my ability to fly to be in front of the golem ready to use my light powers.

But to my surprise, the golem stopped attacking and looked at me.

"Light powers...? I only know one person who can do that."

"Angel...? Is that you...?"

I gasped when hearing that nickname, "W-What...? The only person that calls me that is..." I looked at the golem in shock, finally who it was.

I took off my hood in sheer shock, "It can't be..."

"Cole...? Is that you...?"

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz