Chapter 21: His Return

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Brandy held the walkie talkie tightly as she searched the cameras. She grumbled as she fumbled through the buttons to switch in between. "So I can't see anything and these controls are difficult." She said to Amber in the walkie talkie.
"You'll get used to it, it gets easier. You can even turn up the brightness using that button with a sun that's on the side of the middle monitor." Amber said and Brandy searched, sighing with relief when she saw the button. Brandy pressed it a few times and saw everything better, she immediately perked up when she switched to a camera where the cafeteria kitchen was at, she saw a familiar figure lying on the floor with a make shift camp in place. "I found him! Robert!" Brandy said excitedly, "that's great, where is he?" Amber asked. "He's in the kitchen, I'm going to find him." Brandy said and stood up, carefully opening the door and heading out and over to the elevator. "I'm in the elevator, I'm heading downstairs." She told Amber.
"I don't think that's a good idea, the cables are loud enough on the outside than the inside so is best to travel using the stairs." Amber suggested, Brandy nodded and walked down the stairs, quietly walking downstairs again and this time went to the hall leading to the cafeteria. She saw she wasn't alone as a figure stood far in front of her, "oh no!" She muttered.
"Come to me, new friend, tell me your name!" A voice echoed excitedly and Brandy began to make a run for it, she tripped when she tried to stop when she saw the figure in front of her. The walkie talkie clattered on the floor and a hand reached out under the dim light of the ceiling, she scrambled up quickly. Making a run down the hall, to the lobby to find another way to talk to Amber.
"Brandy! Brandy! Are you there?! Brandy!?" Amber cried out, "Hello again, Amber." The voice said wickedly and calmly.
"Jason! What are you doing to-!" Amber was cut off when Jason crushed the walkie talkie in his hand and let it drop to the floor, he grinned psychotically and turned to find Brandy.

Jason the Toymaker: fanon story eventsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon