Chapter 15: Many Nights Later

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It had been about a week since the two cohorts saw Jason, they were beginning to worry, feeling the eyes of the toys around them watch their every move.
That's when Robert managed to get contact with his friend from out of town and he had picked up a package with his father's things in it, he sighed shakily and began to open it as Amber watched curiously. "So what's in there exactly?" She asked and Robert pulled out a set of industrial walkie talkies, they were old fashioned but still worked. He then pulled out a gun which was his father's personal item, a lock pick which was a bit unnecessary because they already had a ring of keys to the whole building in hand but regardless, Robert kept it just in case. Robert stopped at the police uniform and badge as he kept it in the box.
They the equipment needed, now the two must prepare. Soon when Amber got home, she went to get ready for work, as soon as she walked out of the bathroom from showering, she almost screamed when she saw no other than the doll from that night at the foot of her bed. "No no no, no Jenna, not now!" She said in a panic, it was too late in the evening, as much as Amber needed energy for the night, this wasn't what she had in mind to pump her adrenaline.
Amber grabbed her bag and the doll as she rushed out the door, threw the toy in the backseat of her car and drove off. Amber anxiously stood outside the door of the building and Robert finally arrived.
"Amber, are you okay?" He asked, seeing her eyes darting around.
She showed him the doll and Robert's eyes went wide as he quickly unlocked the door and Amber ran inside, placing the doll in a random room with Robert locking it quickly.
"Did she follow you home somehow?" He asked and Amber felt tears in her eyes, nodding.
"This has to end now." Robert looked out the large main windows, seeing storm clouds gathering in the sky in the horizon.
"Come on, we have work to do." Amber gritted her teeth, the two set out to clock in for the night and get to their duties.

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