Chapter 18: The Escape

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Jason stepped into the elevator when he found the source of that obnoxious music. He saw the blue tooth speaker on the floor and picked it up, then crushing it between his hands. Jason let the crumpled device fall on the floor and stepped out. Damnit...did he just fall for the oldest trick in the book? Jason yelled angrily and rushed out.
Amber and Robert went back to get Mr. Darby, then ran out of the building, thankfully they all were okay. The trio all stood outside while Mr. Darby locked up the doors, he panted from running and looked at Amber and Robert. "You kids explain what's on." He said quickly and the two began. Explaining their backstories and even how they had come across this being that made toys and was the former CEO of the company.
Once everything was caught up, Mr. Darby had some work to do to ensure everyone's safety and make sure that the place will be shut down for the sake of the lives of not only the citizens but the employees as well. Amber was glad that she and Robert managed to get him to believe them.
So as it all continued, the attraction's doors were shut down to the public for good, so the employees came to get their personal items. Taking the initial final opening of the place to grab their things, everyone got what they came for and were able to grab their items and collect final paychecks.
All however...except one.

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