Chapter 11: The Next Day

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Amber decided to stop at a nearby diner, she needed to have something to eat and after what she saw, she needed to make sure she was still in touch with reality.
After walking in, she sat down and nodded at the staff members who saw her come in. She smiled nervously and faced the window. Amber felt like she was about to drift off to sleep when she saw her reflection in the window. Huh...weird, something didn't seem right.
Her face looked stiff and shiny, she had painted red cheeks and lips, what made her snap out of it was seeing her eyes looked gaunt and caked with blood. Amber let out a scream and smacked her knee under the table. She quickly turned to see the patrons and staff look at her. She took a deep breath and sat back, a waitress went up to her. "Miss, are you alright?" She asked and Amber nodded. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." She replied and the waitress only shook her head. "Well what can I get you, then?" She asked and Amber read through the menu. "I'll just have French toast and orange juice." She said and the waitress nodded, walking and leaving Amber to her thoughts again.
What just happened before? Amber stared at her reflection, seeing it was normal again. "Maybe I am seeing things..." she muttered and began to look on her phone for any messages. One was from Mr. Darby, asking how her night with Robert went, another was from an unknown caller. She dismissed it and answered Mr. Darby's message, saying it was fine but not telling him about what she saw, he probably wouldn't believe her either. Amber looked up when she saw her food coming to the table, happily paying the waitress and eating.

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